Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1936, p. 22

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Opening at the saine. tme as the great exhibition of Five Centuries of German Art, in the. galleries of the Art Institute, is a group of thirtyone enlarged photographs of German landscape*% and street scenes made this summer irn Europe b-v Clyde T. Brown of 1710lWalnut.avenue.,wil-ý mette. Mr.. Brown, dean of Chicago 'newspaper pletographers and. a member of ýtlîestaff..of the CiaoDailyNes took the picture.s, ùow ciilarged to approximnately 14x18, with aàsmall camnera., They are nicely motinted on white beveled mats 18x24 inches in size, wvith a neat black, border. Mr. Brown said of thecollection ... h poo vou see ate enlargements from mny original nega-, tives and are exactly as they weretaken,wiot any manipulation or %Norking.overofthe negatives." In. studying. the collection, one comes to the conclusion that Mr. Brown must, have spent many 'hou.r-s of patientwaiting, mntil lie got just the right, subject matter in focus,' or the right cloud effect, or the .proper shadows mfade by the sunlight, in order to produce the brilliant resiilts he has, achieved. There are vîews in felin, 1fannheim, Old Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Cheniîtz, Darmstadt, Wurttenberg. Tubingen, and other towns. The exhibition of these German scenes is particularly apro-pos just at this time wbile the showing of German paintings and drawings, covering five centuries of German art, is being featured in the upstairs gallcries, Mr. Brown's photograpbs, are in Blickstone hall. Çlyde T. Brow'n, 1710 Waln ut avenue, Wilwcd mette, is the artast of thid,+y-onle e)nlàr., photographs of Gerinai landsèaPes, street scenes, anzd figures,. nozc, on exhibition at the Art Iiistitifc in Chicago.' The pic tures iwere made while .111%. Br-ozt,-n was abroad the ,ast simmner. An evening concert will be held ini the Crystal ballroomh of the Blackstone hotel at 8:30 o'clock Monday evening. January 4, by the Lake View Musical societv. The artists on the prograin i v11 be Ginna Vanna. soprano; Estrid Buck, mezzo contralto; Rose -Du Moulin,. piariit and Lucille Turner Parkhill, violinit The artists will he.accômpanied by Robert MacDonald, Rhéa Shelters, and Virginia Knapp. The society is entertaining à numýber of proîiý.-. nent guests of honor including jasoni F. Whitney. president of the Chicago City Opera ýassociation,* and Mrs. WNhitn.iey. Mr. apd Mrs. Hi. C. Winter, and Albert -Cotsworth. Mrs. Winter is presiden of the. Chicago Mlusicians Club of Wometi, and Mr. Cotsxortli is a well known critic- and imsician., Miss Lola Fletcher, and Miss Ma*rjorie Livingston of the. Chicago City Opera comipaliy will*also he arnoèngthe honor guests. The arranlgements for'the, concert are in. the hands of 'Mrs. A. B. Vanzwol, 'and assising as hoste sses will be M,\iss Alice Barker, Mrs. 'Oscar Brecher, Mrs. Margaret Lester, and Mrs. Thomas O. Wallace. Mrs. M\ilo D. Matteson, Mrs. Howard Lagerquist, Miss Grace Seiberling, and Mrs. Har~rvG. Wi4ston are to pour .4. the tea table,, Mrs. Emnil W. Rîtter and Mrs. R. V. Truesdell will assist in greeting the guests at the door. President of the society is Mrs. }ferian T.. Kretschmter. Symphony Program to Woman fs Club to Hear Raymond Flanson, Pianit Honor Theodore Thomas The H-oosier Salon Patrons association annourices the Thirteenth Animal Exhibition of work by Indiana artists will be held in the Marshall Field Picture galleries f rom January 30 through February 13. Prize awards ranging fromn fifty to five hundred dollars in each of several classifications wvill be announced at the preview to be held Satuirdav evening, Janumary 30. at 8:30 o'clock. A feattire of. the exhibition this vear will be a speçial room known as the "Flower Room," and invitations are being extended to each and every w increttéai tlie cluhuse tu £.l; 0clcklYL dav, Jantiarv 6. Raymiond, ani Evatiston High ,School ýppil, is only 17 y-ears old. He has had bis enitire musical education under Walter Knupfer of \Vilmette. The program he will play nie_-t week includes: Etuide in DJ)flat by Liszt, "The Sniow is Danicingi" and the -Golliwog's Cakewvalk" by De-. bussy, Etude by Chopin, and the "N\alaý Valse" bh- Delibes Dohnanvi. founded one of the coluntry's .three great orcnes-. tras, having seen it reach a point of pre-eminence wvhere a grateful city. voluintarily. buiît a home for it, thie great founder of the Chicago Synipholiv orchestra laid down the baton forever. Next week. as lie lias for thirty-one years during the first veek of the New Year, Frederick A. Stock ivill conduct the Chicago Synmphony orchestra in a prograin of cominienioration and tribute to Theodore Thomas, the great musician andi ton Hig proieise, etchnng and engraving now on view at the institute. He is also a rnemnber of the Jury the forthcoming Hoosier salon. zng of Wednesi At the c, raary 6. The ,fli. icill bc held are pre 1paring a program of tfolk songs and "A' Festival Cantata," the music composed by Bach and Hanclel. Mr. Marx E. -Oberndorfer, musical director of the Civic Music association, wiil coliduct the festivaL

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