LEARN TrO ýLIVE r pelya ii heprope w&y. Superidphsclclu. Se"d ler new ftlder and-. Pl an yOur "&»» ler.. SUN ANODIET I1!ALTH RESO AVO PAK CAiRDJ LIBEART statlUeT07 Coliaborators Present Grade School Operelie STATIOth!RY SI'UCIAL for January arnd Westward Front Rio, the new travel book about South America by Heath flowman and Stirling Dickinson. Wiinds may whife and snow flurries sweep. along the shores of- Lake Michigan, but betWeen the covers of Wteslziard Front Rio, consistently a best 'seller since, late Novemnber, are tropical adventure s nd:the g leaming bhpe harbor of Rio. de Janeiro'. The collaborators 'in thi5, and their previous success of last year, Mexican Odyssey, are Heath Bowman anîd Stirling Dickinson. Mr. Bowman, the so n of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bowmnan ot Photo Paul Stone Raymnor J. D. Itoloff Photo Evanston, formerly of Glencoe, attnded J:e collaborati" q aUthors of ,'Mexicra>, Odysse'v".anid "Westwuard From» North Shore Country Day, school and 1Bouwmn and Stirli?.q D ickifiso>&, <we both tuel! known oil the Rio," Heathgraduated f rom Princeton in 193 1.- Mr. school, north shore. Me. J3ouwn, a graduateof North Sh ore Couittry 'Day Dickinson*.was a member of the- sanie Mr. Iived iit Glencoe for four vears. He is now a resident *of Evanston. Wil-l of casat, Princeton, and prepared. for Dickinson, a Chicagoan, is a nePhiew' of Mirs. Williamn Gold Hibbard 193. at the Berkshir,esihool, He rii*oelon-uê côllege ymmBatmengradaiedfro netka lives' on Astor street in Chicago and Pirate-l{awk. There are fishermen, is. a nephiew of Mrs. William Gold }Iibhunters, the ýfai-mer's family, little bard of Winnetka. The 100 block prints in the book are .by Mr. Dickinson. foxes, and city boys, and girls. These two young men present a lively The lWrics make use of the onomatoby children, 'as for such operetta' words' picture of a 6,400 mile crossing of the The' latest' poetic sourid of Theodosia Paynter of Glencoe, libret- 4 honk," "cluck," and "quack," and South American continent f rom Rio de tist, and G. A. Grant-Schaefer, conm- these are woven into catchy tunes and Janeiro ini Brazil to Lima, Peru. Rising poser, bas just been issued by' Ray- phrases of very special appeal tochil- and fallinig f rom bitter cold altitudes miond A. Hoffman' company, school dren. Among the humorous tities of, of 17,000 'feet to sea-level tropics, they mnike their wav 0on foot or* on mule back, Prinied with nerms address or mnonogi GRE. 1724ORRINGTON AVE. Orrington Motel Bld;-,1 patr1ornze Our Adqertisers setting, chilcireni, requires representing a barr >penatat try is kept. The 1opping The award of the 'Nobel Prize for sunrise just as the id opens of herprches, an, nd the secori Iiterature to Eugene O'Neill is testithe followir'g moiDrning' just before rnony to the perspicacity of George dawn. -jean Nathan, for Mr. Nathan has .As is usual with ithe comnpc )srth setebeeri O'NeilI's greatest champion and es. are ha-s written more about bum than any ranges .for' the, in the tthe other critic of the drama "Long pieces- on States. Ttted Unih G. Nathan Has Wriften Lengtk on O'NeïI1 Their'ship miakes 'a brief 'stop at tropical Babai before reachi;îg Rio. *After "doing the city" the travelers visit a mountain retreat, the shepherds'. country, and stop over at an extensive cattle fazenda (ranch). A boat trip takes theni down jungle rivers to Iguassu, the -Niagara of South Amnerica, and to San, Ignacio, .the famnous ruins of a Jesuit state which was destroyed fll1767. At this pfoint, Part Ill of the story