Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1937, p. 5

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pected thàt plans will be formulatCd for an agressive policy for 1937, in whic.h the Chamber wiIl take a more active part in affairs Iooking 1 toward 'the, best interests, of _the village as, a whole, and of the professional people qn d, commercial cpncerns,-which 'it F. Di. repre sent s. sessioni it is ex- Insta liment of Realty Tax Nom. inColl:ection Second instalîment payments of the 1935 real estate taxes now in course of collection by New Trier Township Collector Sanborn Hale are, coming' in slowly. Mr. Hale announced Tuesday. _The collection, however,1 was startoed last 'week in the- midst of the Christmas-new year's holidays when business in general was at a low ebb. With theèse festivities over, Mr. Hale says he anticipaàteg a speeding up of pàyments. As announced last week, in making collection of the second instalîment, t frein the booksare Ilêt'bi-ütou the office of the county collector and lie is given but limited time in which to collect. Therefore, tax payera are urged te get*in as early as possible. Payment to the local collector benefits ail taxinz 'bodies of the township, by enabling the2n to obtain their portion of the taxes'imuch earlier than when payment is made at the county office. May, 1, plus à special dividend'.of ' 1 per share paid December 17 on the cômmon stock. While the dividenid on the- commont stock just declared is an increase of 25 cents a shareover the quarterly rate. of dividend. paid last year, it 'is at the same annual rate wben giving' effect to 'the special dividend. thi-s program hbas been subscribecl en- tirely by the congregation and. the' Presbyte rian board, 1so that, the conqregation is stillIfree of debt to anyý or other bank or' bondingî -coiIany outside ýagency. The program-will include theerction of ail permanent 1partitionis,' the inner stairway of steel, the supplying of heat and electric light to eveiy part of the building, the completion. of the vestibule 'and foyer, the plasýtering of the auditoriumn, making this available fo rI worship, the laying of some sort of composition flooring ini the auditorium, the fire-escape to the third floor, and the necessary woodin al roins. It Will not include work the completion of the artistic woodwhich is tbe auditorium, the work of Mo ,st, costly of al heie ncômpleted work At present the contract does not include the pews, but it is hoped that funds for them will be found by the time the auditorium is ready for 'use. At any rate, the long hoped for time has arrived when the congregation will be able to worship in its sanctuary, and anticipation of this is keen. PlanM auY lm---ebeI BOYS Break Into School; Loot Is Exactly 4 Cents Evanston police 'reported to the &»â The first regular -meeting of the new year will be beld on Thursday, january 14, at 12 o'clock, noon. Secretay £urtGocttschalk states that reservations for this luncheon meeting should be made early, as an interesting program has been arranged, and larger attendance is a prime ohject of the new regime. The feature of the January 14 mneeting witl be an address by D.. M. Ladd. special agent in charge of the Chicago office of the federal bureau of investigation. who will' speak on thei stîhbict."The (G-Men's War Retular Meeting Januaxry 14 Wiimette Police Sunday that they'had under. arrest. two boys charged wt breaking into the National College, of Education, 2770 Sheridan road, Wilmette. The loot amounted to 4 cents, the boys being frightened away by the. ringiag of a lslephone be1L En. trance had been effected by breaking the glass in a door and using a small jimmy. Sergeant joseph Steffens was detailed on the case. Thie boys were Robert Lui, 13, of 1M2 Sherman avenue, and Robert Wisniewski, 11, 1030 Florence avenue, Evanston. They were sent to the Juvenile Detention home. They had previously been in-. volved in several thefts in stores. on for personal, intimate knowledge of some of the more thrilling exploits of the "G-Men" in cases with localý settings and backgrounds. His stories of the ingenuity and courage of bis personnel in tracking down and capturinz noted criminals and breaking unit, Mr. Ladd, bas had opportuni Up) criminal gangs are told in a grip- sented. pingly dramatic' although modest manner, especially where he is per- day, january 12, at 12:30 o'clock, at the home, of Mrs. Louis A. Suekoif, 819 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette. Mrs. S. H. Soborof! is to be guest speaker. During the day a message concerning the Hadassah's Tenth Annual Give and Get luncheon will be pre- dassah, is having a luncheon, Tues- evening, he found that burglars had erally approved, and1 entered the bouse by breaking. the scree n on the sun porch and the glass in the living room door. Officers Joseph Schmidt and Cullen Branscomb were detailed to the case, and found that while dresser drawers which is far above dition of the churchi ing the last five yea hardeat years ini A this congregation hi age of $3416 perc 1 San. averper year; ,rage for 5iAs1D87J had been ransacked, nothing was churches throughov missing. so decided that the intruder F~or the building1 W. C. Doering Home Is CLASSIWD DEPAJtTMENT WILMMfE 4300 cuIIpaniII sçrmi-angt ports. meeting error. :e SC lent America. of the1 of

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