Today's matinee at 3:30 o'cloclc will witness 4 Romeo and Iuliet." and the evening Performance at 8:15 will be '<Hamiet." Tickets for. these. benefit . erformances will be 30 cents- for cbildren and 50 cents for aduits, at the matinee and $1 in thé evenîng. .Students are oerdcombination, tickets for afternoon-a-nd 1evening -performances., be ptirchased by chilm Tickets iay' dren .tbrouwRb the higb sehooil and by others at the. door. Thoémas Wood Stevens, director of the players. says the Olld' Globe Theater presentations are patterned after the Shakespearean manner of -placating the bowling mob in the' pit. toachieve speed, loud lau«bter. and shaking emoétion. The acting i u>îig therefore characterized by a realism and- vitality which completely déefi-Bih the laborious and oratorical tradition with, whch Shakespeare .as ~been. surf eite'd. 1An 1 ha vv eu88su.043 Mathew Francis Photo Police'Ofliter I£dtwin P. Whiteside, »tstructor of the police drivi;ng school,,teeptwith members of his class dr one of their sessions in, the council chamber oi the village hall. The stt«ients are, icit to right:ý BillL-odgkiss, Dicle Farmer, Williami Cloud, Ratph Hîdtgren, .5tanley Blaker, P.letcher, Leonard Keil, Bob Roemner, Robert Huettel, Dick Dewa*r, Victor Wagner,. Walter 'Baron. een t tfLf*. h t he *A j' AUXILIA RY NEWPS hopes to automoôbile 'dri'vinig > school fori ini order gWilmette police department. in charge interfere of Officer Edwin F Wbiteside. in- advanced lss o odo structor. Te hn, s dayeveingfor study. and on Satur(Contributed) day niorninjz for niechanical and Legisiative mont h was observed by drivinz demonstrations. the Wilmette unit of the American The idea back of the school is that 1 ae, ofubi Legion auxiliary last Monday eve- theprmto nin att.h the hiohwavs and streets lies in edu-uarmeiga that the beginners may not with the progress of more students. Outilue Course The course as outlined includes the following subjects: *History of automobile transportation:- social and economic value of the automobile:how the automobile runs, how to drive an automobile; keeping the have more than one cîass, the following boys: Ray Armstrong, 16, 511 Tenth street; Walter Baron. 15.' 1708 Washington avenue. Jack Birong. 14, 1536 Central avenue; Stanlev Blaker, 15. 1011 Central avenue:, William Cloud, 15, 625 Park avenue: Dick Cordts, 16, 521 Tenth street; Dick Dewar, 15, 1452 'Wilmette avenue: Dick Fanmer, 14, 823 Sixteenth street: Bill Fletchei 1;. 910 Oakwood avenue: Bill Hodges. .15, 1539 Central avenue; Robert t. great war, and promînent as a speak<er and writer in obtaining full r:gbts for women. She spoke principally on the bUis to be introduced in the present sesspecial importance to women. Chief ofthese is the bill which will be initroduced to obtain for women the rigbt of -jury service. Two bills to raise the standard of sion of the lezislature which are of are just approaching crvng age. although some have been permnitted_ to. drive when accompanied by parents or other adults., At the .beginning of the schioo1 terni the students are required' to 1111 out a comprehensive questionnaire to determine the extent of their knowledge of the automobile and the laws governing its use. 0fficer Whiteside states that when the1 nation andi test for operator's liî cense:' how society copes wi'th the, traffic problem. Instruction in mechanics is given in the garage of Ace Motor Sales. mnc. When the student has comoleted the course' in a satisfactory manner. he will be given a certificate attesting that fact, and 'the expectation i-i that New Trier H:gh school m-il award- certain credits. Koemer. 14, 70I1 Harvard avenue: Peter Schaeffer, 14, 16S~2 Spencer avenue, and Victor Wagner, 15, 17(K) Washington avenue. In order to teach the boys to be alert while driving, and to take cognizance of ail conditions affectintg traffic and safe driving, Officer Whiteside plans to have thern ride. with the police in squad cars, as thev become sufficiently proficient to war- iit at Jatten gym- from Ioveria romthee r vesi; 4 seat, tne f. out in large ýes ail of the- seats dred 'were turned away at the New ts. Assured of a Year's; eve game with Notre Dame, is biave been turn- which Wvas attended by a capacity imbers. Five huti- crowd of,6,000.