Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1937, p. 36

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Will Pretent Two Young N~ Artists a+Womnan's Club Next Wednesday A u ni q ue discussion on "'Whiat's the, Matter With M[yt Kitchen," will be given at the next ail-day meeting of the, Womanls, Club ý of Wilmette, Wednesday, January 20, by Mrs. Arthur Jocelyn. The last of. he series of- lectures by Dr. Percy Boyniton, and the presentation Of.Miss. Clara'Maas, pianist, and Miss'Helen Aldrich, diseuse and dancer, by the junior auxiliary complete the programn. f .Tl aII Ql on inquency; r'v.' rich to Report Congress the Woman's Catho1ic Club of Wilmette w .ill be held at the ,lubhouse On Friday, jan uary 22, a2 o'clock.,The prograni. will be in, charge of the civics chairman, Mrs. Henry G., Dalton., The first f eature of >the progra m wîIlVbe a. detailed report by M1r's. Frank Oelerich, who, was a delegate to the. Congress of, the Na\,-tional Counicil of- Catholic \Vomeri held in Galveston in .October and attended aIl the sessions of the fout davy con,gre*ss. "We know," the 'club. an-" notinces., "that she wilI brin,&.back a* ýfine report as, to the activitiesof the council: for the coming ye-ar."ý Photo Bernie The speaker of' the afternoon will belHaven Photo .Miss and danicer, and diseuse t, lef the at be the Rev. Ralph A. Gallaghier, S.J., Miss Helent Aldrich of Winnetka prograin ioopi the.csfte> on, prescittd be w«d jisnist4, P.1J.tD prôfessor of, soriolorgy' and Wiime'tte, Clara Ma of of thte Woman's club of Wilmnette. next Wcdiiesday afteriiooni by the Jiinior- social work at the Loyola university school of social wo 'rk. Father Gai' auxiliary, of zvhich organizatioiz they are both mcm bers. Botli arc conisidtr»'d lagher has had an outstanding career taleonted young artists. in social wvork, having tauight. at St. Louis university an~d John Carroll university. He bas contrihuted to "America," Catholic Review. and newspapers throughout the country. n N.SW o akIvt eaTae Fis thesis on "Suhjective Factors of Deliîquncy." kto .be publishedin D J I ~ The next regular meeting of Mrs. Jocelyn, who atup)ears on the morn ing program, is front River, Forest. Well known among club women for her talles on current eveirts and as the Yý.W. C. A. in Evanston. Perhaps, the club announces. she will answer the questions: "Why does any girl pre fer to work in a factory rather , than in my kitchen? to a fine speaker, she will represent the household , employees cornrittee of Why does a maid leave my kitchen to go ture course rny neighbor's?"Ca Dr. Boynton concludes bis literaat 11:45 o'clock com- C m r menting upon "The. Market. the Square D'eal, the New Deal, and Other Deals." rrogiram rvlTIcIvt frPEO *orP.E.0.to .S v#oe Varied rogram e pelr "Science aind Culture" series. Fathcr Ut Conference of Social Work- and NaProbation association, also the A thr.ee-fold treat is i store tional In the words of the .president of the homue. of Mrs. Elmo V. Smiith.. Council of Catholic ChariNational f ebes Evanston, withfoth Ssehod the auxiliary, Miss Betty Mulford.. 926 Judson avenue, of was chaplain of St. Louis He, Shoeonreaibe ties. Nort the the story of the afternoon prograni Mrs. Samuel B. Gregg the assistinfo 1City jail for six years and is con.is told.gthNrhSoeCnrai., nt* red hi n sidered an" outstanding authority on Ire at "TheJuir are very happy to hostess. Luncheon wiîî be served' and parole work and h.is probation have this opportunity of expressing 12:~30 o'clock at Cooley's cupboard at rgaipnedfrtenelecture should be one of the finest remelandf business meet- .rga to the Mother club their appreciation, 505 Main street. The at 18, of the year. A large atid January, programs MUonday, home ing on for the cooperation and support the ing at 2 will then follo at the audience is expected as interested atidi--. Temp)le the in of Mrs. Smith, with a prograni on 2 :15 o'clock Seniors always so willingly give. Father Gallagher bas a dynamnic peroir.Acdalwcmesex "The programn planned by Betty hrelo en x sonality and presents his subject in a Buckett and ber program cornmittee "Europe With a Camera" the sub- tonium. oAllcorial Most fascinatincg and colorful manner, iltothehrd.oe tne to a is an entertainrnent that' has won ject of the ensuing travelogue , TIhe bostesses for the afternooft ted t Evof the approval of, the juniors and froni Mrs. Charles Curtis Simmons .wmill he Mrs. Thomas G. Sextotn. M\rs. 'MoInar. Ferenc by A one-act play aIl we bear from our eiders concern- anston. Shiewill show rnovies taken n~ext mneeting Friday, Jariuary 15, at Chapter CR of P.. E. O. has dts e e Gallagher is a member of 'the Amerncan Sociological Society, National "Miss Maas basý studied music at Northwestern university and . the Cosmopoitan Sehool of Music in Chicago front which institution.she received the degree of bachelor of music. She is niow teaching and bas the Evanston acted as accompanist at the Confer- tbe Rogers P ence of Club, Presidents andi Pro- the Peu and has conof cities in addivork, she rtinent in: depa violin and was bead of the Sthe Coniservatory of Music. Mrs. Knigbt. Blanchard, outgoing chairman of Wilniette center of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago~ was hostess at a luncheon given at ber borne in Evanston Monday for the members of ber, board.ý

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