Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1937, p. 42

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.. IM w . o m --- aion for D. A. R., At the meeting of the 'Skokie j Valley chapter of the Daughters of the'.Amnerican Rvolution held , at the Mondayý, January home of Mrs. Frederick'Bowes, 1140 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, Mrs. Vinton Earl Ses son, national D. A. R.. chairman. of national defense through.pa-ý triotie education. and associate member of. the,-Skokçie Valley. chap T, gave an informai talk on."Legisiation.".- for L.B.Orphonege home of Mrs. R. Chicago.* C.ooper, ir., ý,4.u Pouring Lakeview avenue, will be Mrs. Kenneth. Wilson and Mrsi. Vernon Loucks, president and vice-president respectively, of the North Shore auxiliary.-' 'In charge of arrangements for the Junior Service, league is Mrs."R. Douglass Cooper. Assistingher are Miss Mary Rhodes and. Mrs. Norval Richardson. A business meeting,' for league members only will be held: at 1:,30. o'cdock. At 2:30,_:the program will be given withý Dr. H.. L. lBowman,, D.D., pastor of the First-Presbyterian church of Chicago the speaker. His subject is "HelIping Our- Children Grow Up.". Tea will be served after the talk. Cà'rls 1Mt leÔ of KenilLoucks Mrs. Vernon zvorth 7(411 preside at the tea tabli of when the Junior Service league oi givel tlhe Chicago Maternity ceuier a tea for its sponsors, the Norti n All members of the W%Àilmette cenShore auxiliary, Monday aIternoox ter of the Infant Welfare Society of January 18, at the hoine of' Mrs Chicago are urged to save *friday, R. Cooper, Jr., in Chicago. January 15, morning, afternoon, or all-day, for the sewing meeting at thie Woman's Club of Wilmètte, It is an important meeting for the entire tenter, it announces, and flot' just for the sewing committee. i 1~ ý1 il The first benefit 'affair to be given by the newly organized Friends of ýthe Lake Bluff- Orphanage will be a card. party Wednesday, Mat-ch 3, at the Evanston Woman's club according to an announcement mnade this week by'Mrs. VlsJhsno Wilmette.,* president of the group and 'gçneral chairman of the benefit. For those who do flot tare to play cards, thelcommittee is also . planning a bookc revi.ew for the, afternoon. A fashion show by Mrs. N.ýA. Hanna will be a part of the entertainment, and: following the fashion show tea will be served.. Fri'ends of the Lake Bluff Orphanage were organized but two montihs ago. Already they have supplied funds for the painting of the dining rooni and adjoining hall, for new *dining room drapes, and a stock of new. kitchen utensils. At Christmas time each child 'w-a-giveni a small gift of money. Ail proceeds from the party will be devoted to aiding the chiidren at the orphanage. Assisting Mrs. Johnson with the plans for the party are the following members of her conimittee: Mrs. Kenneth A. Brush, chairman of the tea; Mrs. Brower Mlunroe, co-chairman; Mrs. James H1.Prindlle, chairman of prizes; Mrs. George R. Black- ý5:~ Mrs. Sisson edits the-annual hand*book of the. National Defense Comn-. inittee News. Appeals for research* work and literature from the committèe havé tfipled i recent months and many groups outside the society are, receiving help. Among the groups areý the CCC camps and PWA adult *education schools. I n her talk on "Legisiation," Mrs' Sisson touched on varjous points of them the strikes, interest -among neutrality legisiation, Nye's proposed amendments, the senate's ratification of the inter-Americafi peace' treaty, Welfare Center Urges Memb.rs.to Sew af Club the oath of allegiance required of' im- portant public officials f rom the president down (which is required of teachers in twenty states - Nevada ini 1866 was the first state to require the teacher's oath of allegiance), the disaffection . bill,. compulsory military training in. certain colleges, and the program of the Emergeicy Peace caimpaigfl. -Mrs., Sisson led in the general dis- Are Events of Morth a+N. S.Golf Club The North Short Golf club has a. winter season at tract ing. members and friends to. its doors for.outdoor and indoor events. This week opened with horseback riding Sunday, both 'morning and afternoon, with breakfast at 1 o'clock. On January 19, duplicate cussion that folowed. bridge is scheduled, with keno Janat 1 o'clock preuav21, and on Sunday, january 24, A buffet R. Clara Mrs. the eded burn, chairman of the fashion show; Mrs. Clarence Shaver, chairman of tables, and Mrs. William T. Shapleigh, in charge of publiity.' *Mrs. Donald Palmer is head of the ticket committeet, assisted by ber' co-chairman, Mrs. Charles A. Packard,, and Mrs. H. W. Ch.ronquist. B. Olwin were by C. E. G ,opçn to any ,without adu 'is' togive' n "We Are rig materials, to iiluàtrate ner lsrney, 10W0. icheon wilng,tht prggrami.

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