Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1937, p. 46

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Mr. Learn and Choir in the -Offertoire MEETINGS 1Desert" Quartette-"Springs .......... ......... Jennings Chiidren's circle, today. 2 p.m., with Postlude--Granid Choeur Dialogue.. Mrm. J. H., Gockel, 406 Prairie avenue. . . . . . GIgout . ... . . . Open house, today, 7 to ý1 p.m. Aduit catechumen claéÉ, today, 8 pan., ln the pastor's study.. Thursday ,at 6:30 the annual ehurch Sunday schoôl staff. Friday, 8:15 parn. and, parish dinner will be servedl byý thé, lectio Childrenhs Christin education classes, N'orth End circle. 7 :30.p.m Eý 1Hedîlues of Saturday. 9:30. a.l. Wednesdg;y, 4 p.ml. of officers. 7 :40 p.m. 1936.",The great évents wili be featured In theSunday morning*services the .ln. :*ournalistic fashion cables, ,disseries of sermons on the Ten Command- pîatchies, new flashes. Interviews. An ments wiil be continued. The next Io: army of special reporters are out after "Thou: ehalt flnot: take the name of the coqpyý.:A Happy riellouwship--GraXd Funi. Lord thy Goa ln vain." A habit easiiy You will be the loger If you miss 'this acqun'ed, often caIlled '.the American. big ýannual event of our Church' year. sin"-this taking of God's nrame ln vain. Come and save yourself aIl the regrets! Then how luIit used aright? Hlear again It-should be a clebration! what the Lord th,.% God has to say about that. The North End circle Is sponsoring a of Book, Reviews in the church1 course eveSunday nionthiy the At 8 o'clock starting January* 18 at -10:,30 îarlor, wilt sermon The held. be ning service wiii a.m. The course will bceconducted -11 the day, the for -Gospel be based on the Henryý G. Zander, Jr, of KenIlstory of the twelve-yeor-oid Jesus in, Mrs. and consiste' of six meetings] the temple, speciai emphasie.being laid worth, Mionday. This le open to the other every niust' that on His words: -Wist ye flot may be obtained Information public. lt abou.t My, Father's business?",Just! 1Iomithe folôîwIng mmbrs: Mrs. 'B.P., that business what was the F'ather's H. B. Mrs. and Blxby R. Mrs. Owens, the is what Jesus came to perforin? Juat Mvllford. le church Fatber's business that Hie to carry on in Bis naine? Surprising Kappa Pi Phi wlll meet at the usual how opinions differ here. But what timie, 5 :30 p.m., next Sunday evening.« are Jesus' answers? - 9:15'a.m.-Ftrst service. 9 :30 a.nti-Sùinday 'sehool and Bible classes. il a.n.-80êcond .service. 8,p.fli.-'-Mofthly e'(ening' service. J iiI t-. . . . . .. . . .u u Seventh 1 A House of Worship". ... The Rev. -David- R. Rabele, pastor' am SUND)AT SERVICES Church echool >........ 9:45 . , 1a.m. . ý il. Mornihg Worship ... Junior Luther league............ 3 p.in. p.mn. Senior Luther league......6:30 The Music for the service of worehip next Sùnday rnorning is asg follows: B. oroWski 'Prelude-Adoration > Anthemn-Lead Me. Lord........ Wesley The Senior Choir Anthem-O God, Accept the Hour. renfjky The Junior Choir ]Postltude-4'Lift Up) Your Hjeads" ..... Handel-Gulmafit English Lutheran s treet at Greenleaf ized on a liberal plan for fellowship ini Christ, for mutual helpfuiness. In labor and aspiration, for the tranisformationi of individuals and the redemption of societyý . Those hiaving n-o other, church home lare invited to corne withus. Dr. Herbert JL. Willett, ministier Dr. Willett'ssubject for Sunday,, Januauy 17, will be: "The Goodly Fellowship of 'the Prophets." The icurch service le at lil6'ëclock. Kenilworth Union' will The music for the .church service . be as foflows: Organ Prelude-"O, Lovely Peace"... .. ... . . . l ane . .. Antheni-Cherubin Sonig.,Bortniansky Mendelssohn. Solo-"It lIs Enough" ..... The sermon for the service next SunMr. Gatherer day moring,, which lu "ýThe Transfigura- Ôffertoryý-"If With AilYouir Hearts".. . Mendelssohn: tion," will be based on the Epistie for ........ the day, 2 Peter 1. 16-,91.ý We Invite you PAstlude-"Sleeper.s, Awake "' .... to worship with us. . Certaiffly you are welcome to attend The New Trier Sunday Evening club these services. In fact. if bou have no will have Major James Sawders, with1 chur-ch-homne, we urge you to corne. moving pictures of "Trop)ical Brazil." Wilmiette avenue at Lake avenue inister 1Rev. Amos Thornburgj, Methodist Church Central circle is meeting at the home of Mrs. C. A. CaXpenter, 601 Washington avenue, on Friday, January 15. Mrs. E.~ P. Fateh and Mrs. 1. R. Adkins will We invite you to attend our Church The Sunday school, will meet at 9 :45. Sunday There school whlch convenes each are classes for childr-en between T Ihere are the âges of. kindergartein and the high morning at 9:45 o'clock. classes for ail ages. l.sehoojl. Visitors are invited. on eet in1l The Junior Luther league The Womien's guild wtill mneet.. on MonSunday aftemnoon at 3 o'clock with Miss day, jamiary 18. at 10 o'clock.* The Marjorie Eckenberg presentiflg the tople, work of the guild is for the benefit of good causes ln which the women of the "When and How To Pray." church and the commun ity are interested. All women of Kenilworth not otherwise The Senior Luther league Nvili with engaged on Mondays are invited to sa' o'clcCk 6:30 at Sunday evening work. good this in topie, the presenting .Jerome Nevins. "Hope: The Spiritof Optiini." The music for next Sunday will be ach as followýs: rgn(10:-45): '"processional mrh . 1. . . . . . . . .. Dubois .. . .in "Largo E"..... ............ Handel Marie Briel Introit: "The. Lord ie in Ilis Holy arrington Temple" ................. Anthem: "Put Thy Trust ip God" flartlett arrant der Merdies' Sake". .......... Organ Postlude: "St. Anne's Fugue".. B ch .. . . . . . .1.. . . . . . .. T'he Church echool meets at 9:»30 o'clock Offertory Anthern: "Lord~. for Thy Ten- The Northwest. circle wiil meet at the thn orning wors*nîp service at 11 you o'iock, to home of Mms. Howard Miller, 1001 invite cordi'ally We Sunday. Greenleaf avenue, on Frlday, January -worship nrith us. DINNERSON'S and FATHERS 22. The .asssting hostesses will be Mt'a. Wedneeday evening. January 20, at 6:30. 0 The musical director, Miss Ernua J. E. Schutte, Mrs. C. T. Morrison .and o'clock A fine dinner and eivening of fRounds, bas arranged the following, Mrs..ý R. X. Marmtaduke. fellowship for ail the men and boys of the Lmusical prograni for the morning worship Church and Church sehool. Make your rservice: prelude, "Duet" ("Song WithEach department of our Church school reservations before- January 16. Phone Lout Worts," No, 18), Mendelssohn; anthem. "Christian, the Morn," Shell.ey:has interesting features in our Sunday :Wilmette 4279odr 'TJnliversity 0463. solo, "The Holy City," Adamis, Edwa.rd morning sessions. Bt'ing your neighbor rOtis: poeitlude. "Presto,"Il("Song withboy or girl, see that you have brought Sout Words." No. 15), Mendelssohn. that Church school menmber who lias been .missiixg during the laet two Sundays. Be here 9 :30 a.m. Sharp. mneet at 9: *The Sunday o'clock ln al Choir rebeai'sal will be held Thursday ýin the Junior roomn st *o(Iock eveiilnV under te Ifecti of Mies Marie BrIel r, ana tA convq cesan a progn tlIo, NSDruary 2.u am of e 1 yusi-.T or«j and , iums.e 1 Cnarts and (Continued age 49) we *111 'have iNights, »ino'clock. "The will be conwillI llustrate

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