Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1937, p. 3

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Il I Major James Sawders to Show, Motion1 Pictures of, South American, Rep'ublic "tTropical Brazil" in moving pictures will be described Sunday evening, January 17, bye majorJames Sawders, Latin and South Amnerican authority, before the New Trier Sunday Evening club in New Trier High school auditoriumi at 7:ý45 o'clock. Major Sawders. is one, of, America's outstanding- platform personalities, and during the' past 12 years has lectured in. almost every state in the Union. His point of view is always .human and sympatbetic, and ini presenting his material he has a. gift for making sound information lively anid interestiiig. .Atithority on Latin Amierica For years Major Sawders bas spent inuich time in the Latin Americàs, traveling, studying, photograpbing these countries in whicb he is almost as much at home as in bis native Penn sylvania. His pictures are in deinand by leading néwspapers and magazines.. In the Brazil lecture he shows and regular feature of tnus N eWsMagazine. It will be devoted exclusively -to travelinformation, featuringii interestiflg travel stories relat-' ing actual experiencesof nortb shore travelers to ail parts of the globe, illustratedl with pictures taken in mnany1 lands by these travellers. WJLNMTE Liez, in order to efinfectively'localize TRAvEL .NE, pictures submiit vites its readers to takenf in. the course of their journeys. For eacb ýone of these pictures used we Will pay Onte Dollar. The pic-; tures will be returned mundamnaged to the owher. Read TRATEL NEWS and become a contrîibutor to its «columns. Adclres5 pictures and acconapanying inforitnation to TRAvel, Ntwê Fditer, WiLmzTrE IiPE, 1232 Central avenue, Wilniette. Better Homes Exhibit Cornes.. February 23m25 The annual Better Homes exhibit, sponsored, by the Woman's Club of Wilmettei, will take place in Feb-. ruary this year, a montb earlier-thgn, usual. Tbis popular three-day. exhibit of furnisbings and accessories. for the home-, labor-saving devices, mechanical. equipment; wearing appare; cbild education features, rereation activities and the bike, will1 open, Tuesday, ýFebruary 23, and continue tbrougb Tbursday. February 25. Tbe, bours are from 10:30 a. nm., to 10 p, ni. The tea room wîll be open from 12 tO1:30 andi ftr 5-30to~7:30. Mrs. Arthur Dixon is again in charge of the Better, Homes exhibt. Mrs. Dixon and Miss chairman. Fitch are now contacting exhibitors and. selling space for booths. Old exhibitors, and new. the sponsors. find this year, are eager to sign up early ini order to secure the best possible bootb locations for their exhibits. The Better Homes exbibit- is ai- Machinery of 1937 Harmony Convention OCts Into Motion; Next Meeting J»n. 20 met in its first session Thqrsday eve- The Wilmette Hanmony convention ning of last week, and effected, its K enilworth' s Underlxsss Wl! Be Ruit Soon; Ask That Bids Be Submitted organization With the foô Il o.w i neg officers: Chairman - Staver Mouldiig, 730 El1mwood avenue. Henry W. Vice-chairman Drucker, 1125 Mohawk road. Secrtary-Mrs.: Albert L Grinneli, 2425 Kenilworth. avenue. WMIINain.ComaltIs .4n accordance with. the convention plan, Chairman Moulding will appoint a nominating comnittee, the duty of whicb it will be to present to the Con,ention names of persons suggested for Village offices and ' mem~brà of the boards of the Wilmette Public library and the Wilmette Park District board. The officiais of the vanious boards to bc elected at the Village election on Tuesday, April 20, are as follows: President of the Village board. Six Village trustees. Village clerk. Village treasurer. -Mrs., bomnes, palm-shaded' sea-drive rise the curving avenues, grcen-clad volcanic his witb Sugar Loaf and the Corcovado. At its feet sparkles Guanabara bay. Fromi Rio Major Sawders takes bis audience to the coffee plantations higb up in the huis, the bustling c ities of Sao Paulo, the greatest ind ustrial city on the southern con- its ~ sdUiroli an beautiful duv-tui.- -J- sioners c Aled for bids on tbe project. The underpass will serve tbose who desire to walk between the two sies of the village without the necessity of detouring to the Meirose - avenue or Winnetka avenue crossings. The west end of the underpass wilt. be located on the west side of Green Bay road between Wayland and inozes avenues and the east end will The second dance of tbe Fresbmen Fortnightly group will be beld Fniday evening, January 15, at 8 o'clôck ini the Wilniette Masonic temple, 1010 Central. avenue. This dance is expected to attract an unusually large attendance. Those wishing to register for the balance of these series of (lances are invited to conimuilicate with Mrs. W. W. Rogersi Wilmette April 20. Canla Public Meetin Emphasizing the non-partisan character of the convention, .and following tbe set custom, Chairman -Moulding has called a public meeting, to be held in the Village hall on Wednes-, day evening, January 20, for the purpose of receiving naines of citizens Rl1zzpeteft as candidates for any of yeII ..

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