Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1937, p. 53

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* EVANSTON RUBEER CO. 100 Davis St. Gre. 8788 Just west of Maple 77LTN36-ltc 6p b. (WIn rare 1217. ail MI ar - P.M.) ear 47Vu or USHO CAR SARGAINO siue Kirenen. e-rn r£ UL£ ation41>5. GOOD USED CARS. 'I 1930 Chevrolet coupe 1931 Ford Fordor 1932 Chryoier 8 usedan 1933 Plymnouth Fordor_ 1930 LaSalle Roadster 19q3 5 Chevrolet' Tudor LINDEN CREST BLDG. KROLL.& SMITI-. Phone Wflmette 600 92LTx27-tflc SITUATION WANtED MAL__ HELP WANTIED-FERMALE, CAPAB3LE MARRIED MAX WANTSÇ employment as liouseman, -or what have- you? Phone Jack, Wilnet te, 2101. BIT. WTD.-MALE ^ND FEMALE A-i only Cali Wlnnetka 1M8 COOK. 3-ROOM 'APARTM.ENT, 'LARGE, ligbt roo ms, hot water heat, rent reasonable. i block to transportation. 894 Burr avenue, Wininetka 284t 92LTN36-ltpý 71L36-ltp PUT IN YOUR _ORDERS EARLY HTiELP FOR Çompr,,Tri _BEAUTY OPERATOR79Ridge Rd. Wlimette 235 ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM APARTMENT. ýLARGE, AIRY ROOMS. EA$T-WEST Phone Wilmette 744-745, EXPOSURE. $110. Winnetlka 3271. 77A-LTN36-lte 92LTN36-2tp 41Green Bay -Road. FOR SALE U4IJ-SUAL- 3 ROOM APARfloENT FOR $225ý credit on niew Dodge hligh class- tenant. Yurnlith.d or $200 credit on new Plymouth unfurnlhshed. Beautiful Wlnnetka lociWIIll seil at llberàl discount ion. $40 montb. Wlnnetka 2304. Call Gleincoe 461 MeNitt. 77A-Lgg-ltp VIC HILL Reinhart Empl. Agency î48 Elrn St. Winnetka 31399 71L36-ltp GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK 4 ln famlly. Nio Iaundry Own .rom. Call GIencoe 1461* COOK Or SECOND GIRL. AND 71L36-Itp 'chauffeutr or buier. Good references,. 1442 WlVlmette Ave., Wilmette 4901. MAID FOR 7OLTN3 6-lt p Gelieral H-ou sework HELP WANT5DEl-FEMALE Srnall fa*rniy. Wlnnetka 2511 COMPETENT WHITE HELP WAlTed with good ref. Apply in person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Ver non Ave. Glencoo 251 I1LTN14-tfc WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL, 4iousework. StaY nights. No laiindry or cooking. $10-$12. WVilmette 2752. 711LTN36-Ite WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL hou-iework. 4 days a week.. PhonWflnete 13h.71LTN36-ltp GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWVORR. Individuel 'Si+uatiori Want.ci" ads 50c .ach with erder. 4 lines or less. Thoe ads must b. placed a+ one of our 3 offices in person. Cal ROOM APARTMENT 1934 CHRYSLER SIX. RUMBLE -SEAT ELEC. 2% REPRIG. ANI) CAS STOVE. coupe. Air wheèls, knee action, dual ECKART BLDG., 733 ELM ST. equipmet 644ibe PM4eI' adio - hcater; Excellent condition. wlndshleld fan. 92LTN36-ltp. [LOw mileage. Caash or 6% financlng. Glencoe 461. 77A-LTN36-itp l'oit RtN-HOu 2 MODEL .A FORD CONVERTIeLE coupes, excel. coud. Price range $40- $50. Cal! Winnetka 1741. FrOR e Asic for Bob Mc£Nitt. T-OM POSITIONS OPEN FOR MAIDS AND COUPLES GOOD WAGES FOR~ THE ACTIVE SPRING MARKET list your hope with us. WILMETTE 77A-LS6-ltp Near lake, trans. Bea.utIfUl mot!. home. 5 bedrms., 2% b. $125. )ne of fui?,, NICE, LIGHT, CLEAN single furnished. or double Winnetka 2669. rooms, comfortably 1.on beauaster bcd*, den, oHl. 82LTT3R-ltt, like to luhave an income of ner own. 1aaluits* 80. ersonal iaundry. Phone 1LTN3-tp 1-Wiliitte wlth 1 pleasant and dignIield Work established 82LTN36-ltp -Large, part Urne. Write glving phone number. MAID FOR1 GENERAL HOUSEWQRK NO RELPER. MOTHER'S OR Address B-31, Box 60, Wilmctte, 111. PRIVÂTE ROOM A.ND 71LTN36-ltp WUASHING. national company. Full or Carlson's Empi. Agcncy MAID, HAS SOME VERY GOOD PO ITIONSand fO for BATH. WILMETTE 2838. 71LTN36-Itc room and. private bath Three blocks to 1Elm Street stations. Ph. W nnetka 415 82LTN36-itp Pleasant llght and pleasant furnished ' Charmilng bouse iA-i cond. 4 bedrm., Sgar., ohl. $125. 2 b.. large scr. GLENCOE 1 JUst listed-5 bcdrm., 3%k b., 2 pcb. N4JTKA D OrSures TaIa ONplS cupesWinnetka ___ ___ WHITE, EXPflR., COOKINOI first floor work. 2nd rnaid &also assist wlth 2 chiidren. 1028 *s %nted, quiet room ln small ,$135 aàmo. adult family. Reasonable. Wllmette 3206. 82LTN36-ltp 421 - Richmond roat! 670 Green Bay Rd. Newly dcc. modern Eng. br. 4 bedrm., 2% b., pch., i acre. LAkE FOREST SEARS REAL ESTATE Kenilwortb 5288 97LTN36-ltc 97LTN36-ltp) GIRL FOR C work. Famlly of3 1.Wilmette, 4161. KENILWORTH. MOD. ZNCk. BRL I7 rnis., 2 baths, sun rm,, il, lovely gardons, $125. Fuller & Plekard, Or., 1830. OILTN8-itc , li ;-4tp

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