Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1937, p. 58

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signing. at wnîcn Mr. and Mvrs. Dabcoclcan nounced the engagement. of their daughter4 June, to Robert Yinton' also of Bloomfield His. .Miss Babcock, wbo :visited the Hillis family here Iast stmmer. attends the. Mary; LyonlS> school in Phladeiphia, ,and bier fiancé is; a student, at, Cornell university. No date bas been set for their- weclding. Mrs. Hillis etet'ained the tuembers of ber bridge club for luncheon on Wednesday. a() __'S3BORN Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, S. Rot h of Evanston annouince the birth of a son, Daniel, Powell. Roth, on Wednesday, January 6, at, the Evanston, hospitai. Mr. Roth is -the son of Mr. anpd Mrs. J. D. Roth, 1124 For- ulis.uSseu n us Dernehi to the chairmansip ofthe-iand7-tne groups Juliette, Low fund formerly heldby and place of sucli records in Brownie meetings. Mrs. WalterMagner. president. of Mrs. .H.»J Dernell reporting for 1Mrs. Sprague Chapin, of, In"Unit, a presented club, theý committee, ber the. past year for for programs winter on Mrs.> Charles Ostrom,.:Miss, Rébecca terest" Brownies. Fitch, and Mrs., Haskin before the The next meeting will. be' held annual meeting of the council stated that' from January 1936 to Decemiber Feb ruary 5 at 470 Lincoln. avenue, Winnietka. 1936 The national course in training Report o Camp Committée methods will be held at the- sanie .anuary, 1936-December, 1936 The camp commlttee, Wilmette local place f rom January 25 to February 5, côuncil. of Girl Scouts, bas held regular and wiUl be attended by the local dimonthly meetings on the firet rruesdaiy of each month durlng the year, at, the rector;.Miss.Fl1oren.ce Marceil. (Mopre Girl Scout office, with afUli ,attendance next week.). each time. ,We have encouraged and sponsored the outdoor program and feel that our leaders have stressed that type (if meetIng. Olur ProJects have been as follows: J. A. Sullivan Dies. at Wilmette Residence which had been ,aken because of difficulties. were enjoyed bY ip Cox" and fûur held for eight late June in vious years. and e experience for nided and who ind. badge tests JohnaA.. Sullivan, 626, Washingtoii avenue, Wilmette, passed away suddenly at his home on Monday afternoon at the age of 46 years. Mr. Sullivan, who was a sales representative of a Virginia firm, had offices in Chicago. He had been a 1 resident of the village for the past 6 years. Born in Boston,- lie was a graduate of Boston college, and had been a resident of Detroit before moving to Chicago. He was a meniber of the Knights of. Columbus and An architectural motif of modern desigP, treated with unusual restraint, will be used to achieve distinctive refinement 'in. the construct ion of th e The designers, it was Coronet. emphasized, avoded* the flamboyant effect of ultra-modern lunes, however, to conform 1with .the 1residential characteristics« of the >,districtý surroundinig the theater.: Glass Canqpy Even the usual blazing. vertical sign used by most theaters is absent at. the Coronet. nstead, the Coronet's front will be sunptuous .- in its simplicity., The canopy, made of translucent -glass, will refiect the brilliance 'of the theater's name, lighting up, the front from its posi-, tion atop the marquee. Forty-first bouse in the B. and K. circuit, the Coronet will be first with mnasy inniovations in th.oatear improv-e-, ment s. Technicians this week were installing the newest scientifically perfected RCA sound equipment, and the Coronet will be the first bouse west of the Atlantic seaboard to have the equipmnent which, it is claimied, will insure complete naturalness of sound. Seats* wiIl be of a newlycreated air-conditioned material and there wil 1 be more aisle space and space between seats for the comfort of patrons. The council gave tLhree -carnverships"rtiiaja±~ly were hçld Tliursto deserving scouts-one was rècelved ýi Funeral services the home to St. from mor.ning d(ay frorn one and auxiliary, Legion the from with interchurcli, Xavier Frarncis Woman's the of auxiliary the junior eeey avr a club. eeey avr ment a The uominiittee ha-8 spent $62.00. We fiave tried to fid a suitable and 1 available v-ampsite for, week-end and 1 overnight use-one near enough to be Sunimit, N. J., after a visit with Mmr. Ricksen's father and mother, Mr. and, Mrs. R. E. Ricksen of 1006 Midi-, igan avenue.1' w hpetihis mtybOe acpuýe-ii Mrs, Ricksen, Sr., lias receivesd future. inear conifflislied inu the 63 Topping, Lois Margaret Miss f rom hler son that on their re*word .Respectfutlly submitted,j on turn trip tliey arrived in Cleveland Emima K. Dernehl, Chi. years olçl for the past 28 years thre staff of Ferry hall, Lake Forest at 4 o'clock, having left the airpoot Harriet Ostroni. Co-ehfli. .Mr. anid Mrs. Robert'E. Ricksen,* Jr., left Wilmette on Monday of last week in their own plane to retumn to Nurse at Ferry Hall Is ctim of Heart Attack is coin- 1réc. 15 open coi.- re< to the to receive lier week-en( Last bro ber ;eguest of Mt. Caroîl,

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