Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1937, p. 37

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The show will be held this year at the Na.vy*pier. from lApril 3 to 1 L The Home. and Garden club, oif which Mrs. Fran.k C. Nason is presi- dent, bas agreed to enter threerex- hibits, one a major entry, and the ofher two minor -entries. Its. m ajor ex- hibit will be the'interior of a garden bouse, and the minor exhi1bits, Will be, in.ail probability, an orienit flower arrangement, and. a fiower arrange- ment submnerged in water. Mrs. Arthur. Linds.ley, ,who bhad been directing the flower showý plans for the Kenilworth Home: and Gar- denclub, bas gone to California, and for this reason the -club is flot yet ready to announce the names of those who will be in charge of the various e'ntdies. Mrs. Harold F. Tideman bas been inade chairman' of, the flower show committee for the Kenilworth Gar- den club and serving on . er coin- mittee are: -Mrs. 'Bentley G. Mc- Cloud, Mrs. Percy Eckhart, Mrs. Frank Barrett, Mrs. Thompson Wakeley, Mrs. Donald Mercer, Mrs. Harry Williams, and Mrs. Otis L. HIeath. o'clock she will, speak' on "The Princi ples of Flower Arranigement," February 9, at 10 o'clock on "The Relationship. Between Flowers and Containers,": and at 2- o'clock on "Table Centerpieces," Miss Carson bas achieved an envi- able reputation as a. lecturer and writeron the subjeet of flower ar- rangement She has appeared before mfany of the clubs ïi the eastern states, and is now on a speaking tour of the garden clubs of the southern states, a tour which includes a retu rn, engagement. before the Palm Beach Gardenclb An article by MssCarson, "4Ar- ranging Flowers in the Home," which appeared in the Ladies Home Journal in 1935, profusely illustrated with pictures in color, has been made into a bookkt by the 'pubishing com- pany and is in great demand. At the library at the headquarters of the Garden Club of Illinois are two of these booklets. One of the. illustra- tions used in this article was the inspiration for the prize-winning fruit picture entered in the 1936 Chi- cago Flower show by the Berwyn Garden club. A pottery maker at Maçomb, Ill.,. copied the jar pictured APPIÇUED MONOTONE S CATT E R. These' new printed talkeéd'about..ee PRINTS* PRINTS PRINTS deses re Even soiid colors are trimmed with appliqued pdnts, We featur e the mporantFlower Prinits. Newl Iow neckline. designs mark the' new Afternoand Cocktail Dresses. N. A. HANNA, Inc. 952 Spanish Court aiskeci to lanciscape a Dutch bulb gar- club. There is no admission fee to den facing a canal. The Dutch bouses members. ivili be SUPPlied -to the clubs, which During the winter months twco lec- will compete in the show for the ture series are given, one in Novem- iost artistic arrangement in this ber, the other in February. Last No- part icular classification. vember, jens Jensen, designer of The Kenilworth Garden club will the Lincoîni Memorial garden, prol- àlso enter a number of smaller 'ex- ec t of the Gardlen Club of Illinois, hibits. It is expected that one will be spoke on "The Beauty of the Native a dinner table arrangement by Mrs. Plants of Ainerica" Davis EDGAR A. STEVENS, Ine' Evos@ .Wilmeffe, I11, Evanstba,, d res's'es are

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