Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1937, p. 51

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knotka estl WTD.-MALE AND, FgMALE EXP. COUPLE': ý MAN CAN DRIVÉ car, hbell) with bouse and garden worik;- wvoman good ('00k, hous ekeeper, care of children. <'aIJ eve.s., GRE. 286.3. 701 i'N38- Itc ____ELP WANTEO-FEMAL.u POSITIONS OPEN FOR MAIDS AND) COUPLES <JOOD) WAGP4S .indgren Epipi. Agency Established 25 years 799 Elii ýt. Winn. 1047 71LTN53-tfe Ca-tIioni's Et'iii. Ag0éùcy HAS SOME VERY GOOD POSITIONS - for nur.ses, maids & couples, "18 El' TRE WINNETKA 3328 _____________________ 71LTN15-tfe MAID, WH1T1E, EXPER., FOR COO0K- lng and some general housework. Assist with children. Have laundres and houseman. Own room. Winnetka 1028. 71LTN38-1te MAID FOR arter f:4p - ~U1AA~U.I tOUS HELP WANTRD-IiMALE Individuel "Situation Wanf.d" ais .50c *ach with order. 4 linos or less. Thes. adi must b. placed- ai one of our 3 offices on porion. AVAILAi3LE AT ONCE RAWLEIG1 route, ln Glencoe, Wilmnette, Winnetia. Godj J opprtunlty for man over .25 with car ta continue1 service. Ti'ade Weil estaiished. Route experience helpiful but flot necessary. Write at once. Raw- Ileigh's, Dept. ILA-:766-102, Freeport, Ill. 72LTN35-4tp OLD ESTABLISHIED REAL ESTÂTE firin bas an openlng for an expert- ebed¶!Ulema iiorsàlèswoman whÈo is familiar with north shore. Best work- lpg conditions. Phone Winnetka 1800. 721,TN38-1tcý M'ANTED - REAL ESTATE 1INSUR- *ance manager-salesman ta run wel tequtipped offlce. P. Pavlik, Jr-.,, Kerilworth 72LTN38-ltp HEL.P WTrD.-MALE AND FEMALIE COUPLES, NORTH SHORE, $150 -ta n.,. ivà .. unryster 8 seqan KA 1930 LaSalle roadster tte 1934 Ford'cup or iCash, terme or tradle. -I XJ~ TH I %.J .ALL 421 Green Bay Road Phone Wllmette 744-745 77A-LTN3-ltc FOIRD,' MODEL T. A-i 'CONDITION. ,Distributor- installed, convertible roa d- ster, good tires, good lights, new top, overhauled engine. Casey, Kenll*orth .5514. 77A-LTN38-ltc BRIGHT, WARM FýR.NISH-ED) FRONT room, witb three windows and-private bath. Three bilocks ta EIm street sta- tions. Phone ri-nnetka 415. LARGE AIRY ROOM SUITABLF FO .1BOXCORNER O F' TOWER AND BURR, WINN.ETKA. 2848. 82LTN38-ltci- LARGE FRONT BEDROOM FOR 21 friends. Also single room. Board If desired ' Parking space ln rear. . 564 Center St., Winnetka 2342. 82L38ltp LARGE, PLEASANT, well furnlshed roorn. Neartransp. Gentleman 88LTN38-lte FOR RÉINT-APARTUENTd CHIE4 ROOM APARTMENT. $67."5q. East and West exposure. Nice living roomn dininig room, bedroom and out- siekitchen. Free refrigeration. LINDEN CREST BLDG., KROLL & SMITH Phone Wllmette, 500 ----------92LTN27-tfc MODERN 5-ROOM APARTMENT IX Hubbard Woods. $65 per 'month. in- niediate' possession. Phione Winnetka 11e -or, 17$5, 92LTN3-te SUBLEASE IN ORRINGTON. MOTECL Feb. 1. Liv. rrn.1 bedrm., bath, kit-i chenette. Newly dec. and furnished. Complete Hotel service. Univ. 87Z0, Apt. 436. 93LT1N38-ltp FOR RUENT-@UBS Selection of Best Values wIls. H M0rIS,~ 3 b., H I .,3b9., H.ý 7 rmns., 11/2bS., HJ 8n.,2 bs., H.-V 6Mris, 1 b., H.W, 6 rms, 1 bs., H 9 rri-sL I iA. 2 -c. g. L1-C, g ._ 2-c . i!;xprtenc A nIIV AILIL ssVarUJ. Winnetka~ 3216 71LTN38-ltp EXPERIENCED MAID For generai housework References required. Wilmette 1344. 71LTN38-Itp Young white girl wanted for GENERAL HOUSEWORK Own roarn. No Iaundry. Wilmette 1789 CHIRYSLER USED CARS Our used cars are A-i as to condition A-i as ta appearance A-1 as ta safety This Week's Specia.ls Olds '34 Tr. Sedan .........$445,00 Dodge '34 Deluxe Tudor * * * " * * 95-fan Near. trans- 6n unis., 1 n., "Il 82LA3-1tip I6 i.,1 b. v j. -,g., 'g. lot, gololc... 55 il GLENCOE 4ie. bs., U.W.O)., excel. loc. 2-c, g ................. .........20 ras,3 bs., H.W.O., ex. lac. 1-c, g. 135 ris., 1 b., H.W.O., 1-c, g., gd. lac. 100 Other 90od values. furn., unforn., ail sizes. B. H. BARNETT 526 Center St. Wlnnetka 96F> SINGLE R( LAI in pvatVeL res~ianceUo ,se ta transportation anid lflnetka 209. 82L38-ltlp M. BATH, GARAGE. r-~ Prvt, A.4-e ite'Wltt

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