Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1937, p. 54

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$9.000. WieB-36. box 60., Wllmette. Illinis. 133-t FOR SALEt-VACANT WESTMOOR, ACÇRES' *,THE PLACE TFO BUILD" A new acre developmeént, established feigtorhood, convenIent to Hubbard Woods and Skokie Schools sand trans- p)ortation, restricted. Ask, for plat. McGUIRE.& ORR,, mc. 6 30, Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1080, 1I4LTNS8-ltC 25% BELOW MARKET!, 10Wx200 teet within stone's throw of laite sprrounded by fine homes only $7,500. Ideal haif acre 700 feet from Indian Eill Club Fairway eut to $13,000. A Snap1 if b4lt04t4m. 9ara $2005x426,foot Riparian1Right loi fr but$5 0.0. HEINSEN REALTY Co. 660 Center St. Winnetka 254 114LTN38-1tC SUNSET RIDGE 2% ACRES. HIGH AND ROLLING, ON private road ln hIghly restricted sec- tion near Club grounds. For qtiick action the prie Io only $1.750 per acre. Plat ma.y be seen at our office. 1SMART & GOLEE, Imc. E AST KENILWTORTH 160 F T. LOT ONLY i BLK. PROM lake at iow price of $95 per-ft. Hokanison & Jénks, Imc. 513 DaVis St. Greenleaf 1617 * 114LTN38-1tc WANTED TO BUY-VACANT 50 PCOT LOT IW WILMETTE, EAST. of raiiroad tracks, for cash. Desire immediate possession.. Write B3 8, Box 60, Wilmette, Ill. 115LTN38-1tc WJUSIN EUSPROPERTIES STORES & APT.. EIEXCELLENT NO.- SFOREý LOCA- tion, stucco bld.,H W. ht.,-once, sold for $20,000. Caàn.now be bought for less. than hait. Mr. Vos.. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON 122LTN38-iie able MO. -complete, 875: walnut, secretary aesR, $35. Penn. chest, $45; Mid-vitortarv white marbie mantel. i25:- Child's bed and chest,; fine' hair .maUtress, $25; I.ovely wicker bassinette,, $7.60;,Plat top gas range,> late. style, $35 ; Paintinigs, orientai rugs,ý antique glass and dishes. For appt. phone Mrs. George Van Fleet, 970 Linden Ave.. WVýInn. 2067. 12qLTN38-ltc VOSE UPRIGHT: PIANO In good condition.. Wlmentte 822. 129LTN3 8-Itp SINGER ELECTRIC PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE $20. Henry Keaton, University 8388 129LTN38ltp Ivorv Crown Gas Range GOOD CONDITION. CH-EAP WINNETKA 2256 rrfflLARGE COUH, $25 DOR SPACE Winfltka 3425 after 6 P. M. rk-sult- 129LTN38-ltp $50per Brambach Baby Grand 855 9 YEARS OL1D. GOOD CONDITION. A-LTN37-2te Reasonable. Wllmette 3139. ITES 129L38-ltp Death ri des on approximately 100 mil- lion automobile wbeels in the United States. We are responsible for the gction of these wheels.- The average pereon, over 17. years old,. is pbysical1y and- mentally able tq drive an auto- Mobile. In spite of this fact there. are, a great number who should be prevented from driving an, automobile., They are the ones whose minds are pot stable, reck-. les drivers, -drunken drivers,. andte menaces behind the. steering wheel.. The only way to curb these drivers is 10o have a driver's license, law in the state of Illinois. The, la* would. have, bo be so operative. as to be free f rom Polit- ical fixers. Every person on the nortb shore should back such a project, The New Trier Drivers'* club at ils meeting o 1i Monday had M. P. Gaffney, school superintendent, as its guest speak- er. Mt --Cx-affnysp aton the drivers' license law and compared the driving conditions of bis high school days and the present. He gave aý bis opinion that New York state had the znost rigid and strict drivers' 'test and the most strict traffic rules WTD. TO nUYr-miSICLLANS@ua adds ianusual possîbiuîues of ucv.eup- ment. Offered at considerably legs tha*è adjoining properties. Entire tract at $2,000 per acre or will divide, Mr. Enchelmayer. R SAWYE1R SMITE 725 Elni St., Winnetka Ph. 3500 114LTN3 8-Ite WEST LAKE FOREST- 20 acres, rollig anld weli-drained. SM Priced below the prevailing market d at $400 per acre. WVYATT & COONS - 1026 Waukegan Rd., Gienview. NM. 81 1 124LTN38-ltc . .LTNI.321c4. niversky 732 ritique, t your on con- University 7312 -LTNIO-ttc

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