Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1937, p. 56

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Loans and discounts ..... E.... Overdrafts ........ ....... ........ ............... United States Government obligationst direct and/or fully. guaranteed............... ....... ..... .. Other bonds, stocks, anid.securitiçs........ ....... ... Banking house, $150,000. Furniturte and fixtures,$1O Real estate owned other than banking house..... Reserve with Federal Reserve bank........ Cash, balances.with other baniks,' and cash items ;ini process of collection ........ ........... Cash items flot in proce1ss of collection .......... Other assets. 364.20 150,001.00 47,759.52- 207,929.45 $37,110.47, . 14 To-tal ................398214 Demand deposits of idiv iduals, partnerships, and Time deposits of individuals, partnershîps, and corporations .................... 1,402,337.74 ,State, county, and municipal deposits................ 200,424.10 United States Goveruiment and postal savings deposits 10,1140 Deposits of other banks, certified and officers' checks outstanding, etc............ .................... 29,111.23 Total of deposits: Secured by the pledge of boans and/or investments ........... $ 10,1 14.00 Not of oanis aside for dividends not detlared and for accrued interest on capital notes and debentures. .. Other liahilities............................. Capital account: Capital notes and debentures: Sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation ......... $70000.00 Comimon stock, 2,000 shares,I $170,MI0.00 par $5.00 per shareJ Surplus . . . . . . .>. . . . . . I(SEAL-) 4,910.48 11,822.56 GENERAL COURSEBirlf ao.N YA'ut9t ProspectiverN.Y.'uqst9 o PropeciveWilmette Leaders are 23, ýwhere the Ainericari Girl, Scouts will invited to attend 'a general course be the hostesçes of the fore ign girls at given by Mrs. McClintock in Evans- tueé biggest Birthday of ail."À ton the first weèk in 'February. The To be eligible a girl .iuùst ýbe a scoui course wiIl be given Feb., 1, 2y,3, 4, Of first rank, 17, 18,1 or 19 years of age,; 5, 8, 9, 10 from 10 to 12 eacb -miorn- iust bein active scout. service in. a ing, at the Congregational parish t roop, and have, heen in Scouting at least house,,1417 Hinman avenue. There three years. The selection is based is :no fee for the, course-, and onlya primýarily upon Girl Scout spir it. out- nominal charge. for literature givenijsadn loyalty. a nd knowle dge Of ,the out.movements tandards and work,' and _______________________________ coisideration is given the girl 's execa Harold Kremner and lieutenant Mrs. tiOn Of remiainin g ini the organlization Wilson 'Eastmnan with troù p committee so that she inay pass on to otlier girls members. Mrs. R . W. UcCandtiqh. Mrs. the'benefit ofiher experience. iMilton Bowen. and Mrs.. David Leach. MiNi, Cone The patrol leadeýrç are, Franices'McCand- Mills- College, Oakland, Calif., the lishl andl Lois Wilson. and the scribe is oldest colleee for women in the, west, Ruth Melchior but Muriel Kirtley sent off ers a Girl Scout competitive scholar- in, tiiSreot.- 4Shii b cyear to an entering freshinan - I student. The scholarship bas a value of Troop Fi1t $500, includiniz the year's tuition fee Miss Hoffman, cantain of Troop of $400, and $100 to be applied toward eipht. is leaving us 'for six weeks to residence expenses. This scholarship is take a tritn out weqt. Before she left, open to those students who expect to she .ivested the followng girls with reside at Milîs College, and who can Th.- '.oAideriiit ntn-Louis~e Seizer. ciualify for competition on either of the y Mirznret Mick. Virginia Lundy. folIo'> 'nor Toffetiitti. Lorrain 'Napoli was 1I.' ble for ber Tenderfoot vin. but arnîma . Ar- le1 9 t leaders,-are.. rthe college entrai ne.' ex- ne scribe ofthïtnroOP leader. and .the other -g;e I-ames, Hele le Pibtro1 Lead-rs .Ag-nocif#'.%n This year t] turday morning ini the Girl Scout the Wornan's the.~ natrol, leaers of ali the troonSs ssociation, a Mv commission expires iuu r<~ >,rence W neeiocic. schm 1

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