Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1937, p. 20

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9 :0 .-5fdS d~,Ian'!IBible pl arn eéto'! evfr.4-nioV-Vte Mirs. Walte-T ZlbbIe, 1W;Waxhlflgton ave. Op M- hoMef, >today, 7 txil)11P.rn.ý ýWln»étka "Irelt, Trlday. l .m.with i4rui (,.W. AndërW>n,. $27 <hrry sitr-et.1 Binday "gofr>fl uaff., yriday, '.:» mi rhue order of servIce at il itko Munday wilJI Incluait tho-tifll4rw1ig » Jntoit~-"t$hall Calil Uponmn e" Offertry--ýLt&riY. 4ub The W$trjnOf-*'Tht .çlxthCnnr<rl~l postlide Magtt>o Clarei ddY The second Jjk -,n Pservirce wiliI be h'- next Wedflenday eveniflg at 5soûIak The Nermon wihltl ap4e'! (in th wrd'4Jm o $estüs *I>kei to 111158 ft*5'8 Jf qetbsemàne; *,If therefort ,ye mse*k 340- jet the-se (My dtiscplee> go their wi'y." on ThurSdaY, FëhruarY ý,.an elght- rtéel Iitme -Martin Luther: }lis Lîfoe and '1"iin." wi Ixt- é hown in thi- SundaY, nn o o<mat S<tlck Ipndldly pcr- trayed In ite§ native ms,-ttig. Thit 1pr'- ceed% wUil beqadded ta> our fund for. aid- ln l<,d.mtrfrkeri church In oliir thy icatsof btauty; Thé ne-xt <-'urrh yeIl-wqrhlp d;nn'-'ý wil 4p Thtrikday. FttiruarY 15, and! WWl 1>p xiervoc<i by the Crozy Co'frnser cir:i'-. Oaur KC-tar M.Pi'hi memberi' wifljr-ei two sple.ym, -Th;- Curtain,", anad "Th Jj4,rds Pralyer." PIea"- 'ý vtthî>" d aLte and. buy yr, ur' tirk,&rt. for thi.!msoAl etertà-Lfmflrt. Thi- rnu5ti<' wMll b f u r- nlshed by mmti..e s'4 cour *,fo wÉrt'-t. Tho, If:'rr io (Jo mii' St, Jarn':"m t<dltrhu.r<:h, 4Fth tr'-et ;Lndvaim Isaeue uîaF'febtruarY J14, ai So'o'.Yr,ýu are cr--dlally invite'! A r-hearsa,.l foir ail- whio tacre 'o attf- rd xs Fw:hedutgd for 7 e;,Y10;k at tht (;h ur-,-f rh $-geneiýr-altheme of our r-atr Fait." hes se mswilli brir.g u- cf)urig4- ara'! spiritual aid. Thc-y w. <IVjif, a pra<tiva1 andu-o- ewa;! ,.htChrlsýti&nity, reàlly is an'!d d4re'. li 1 am h oe x .a~and -reatiYv iTrumtinflHs Cr. raklig Hs uiu ne. March 7'aagfgOur O#rt Mar'h j14 0-o--vrc-*:oi'ng.it' '-x Mardi2I-<CroW)iflKrh' ight Kilig' (P'alm surlday. Mri2ý Uia trnl! Es& Tu'-'~day - '-t :,0 1'. M. Boy S'oU .<, e'! 2 :20 1'. M. B~',wnaieS 7:.~<r P. M.. Boy Scout Tr,o)p No.,I ,,îg n t - p r o g e i ;n . i t s kn i . - mî.raand friend will plan, to re- -wrve,-cfar;h ,Wednesqday nlght durlng Lent for the church. On Fibtuary 17, the sp:eaker will lie Dr. W. -E. j. O"ratz, wlI nrwntio Methodlsmr,. Dr. Gratz Is the -dîtosro! thf- Epworth Heryald and! h". made. a naine for hlmselt ln maiiY f thc-r ways. Noone wilI wltah to mIss -thitý rlpportuflity tif hearing hlm. tiifler wil] Ies seýrvt:d at 6 clork and Winlbe fol-> lojwed ly the' evenlng. program. 1 Mrs. P.. walat-e 3Mitchelil, Wilme-tte 3769, !» tht -dinne-r're;ervatl6n chairm4n.; The Fojurth divisioin will mect Mn day, February lr,, at 10 :30 o'clock, at ,'hte home 0 cf Mrs. Tho mras M ecQ ofil, (:ÇertraI :nu.Lnh(lwill bie Tht ,Th ird dviio< îi met 'juesda, Fe-byui±ry 16. at. 12 :-3(rcoe for lunch- roi riat th4t horme o! r.fMrw'. C. ,li*mî 1725 1-igh1and avenue. The_-Womrani'. Mlsslonary soclety ks meeoting to.day (Thursday> beglnniflg t Ifi T'cŽfraýk. Mrs.5tetsn s 4npeaking (o#r "Pa:"at the afterfloOf meeting." -The W<irld DaY of Prayer is Friday ,! this week, February 12. The WiImetteý erieis being held in the Baptist chfurch at 2 :3() 'cio-ck.. Cho(,ir re-hear.sal will lie held this evf- nlng <Thur.sday> at 7 :30 o'clock in the Junior roomn. Please note the change in time for this week. It is Important that ever>' member be present and on tirne at (cadi rühearsiaI betwetii now and Easter. Philadei1thia wili be thegutét speaker. A gr(IUt of sîngerli <rom St. Thomnas chuürch, Chicago, will entertaîn. AI' officers and! Church jichoOl teache". and. those intereste'ln religlous edui'atk',n are urgeai to attend.. English. Lutheran Seventh istreet*at. *fceeleaf Th'- Jtev. DaVi'!R. kabele, pa!su.r J4UNDAY $SERtVICES' C*hur-h 1h.4î <:45 a. ir. MoIrnintg worszhip Ila11 ; Se-ýnior LutAber le;feue 21 .w The," mu'.-ie forth s-v<nxrS- (]av mornînir k 's ýf,1oý Organ rlue editio-Eei Anthen-low Long Wilt Thou Fortiget Me PfuAger The Seniojr choir SoloA bde ith «Me LiddIeý J'v Wilso(n Dressi',r Postiud- Andante' Maesoiç, Sonata .. Borowski Victoria M.ed-olst <f 'Music The World Day of Prayer mneeting fi' the wornen of the Wîimette ehurcht&ý will be hi-Id in the Baptlst ohurch on, Frlday afternoon o! this week at 2:3t, o'clock. Ail the womnen are invited. t,~ attend, this nsplrlng service. Dr. Wil- liam -Schermierhorn 'will be the speaker. The Senior choir. will rehearsý-' Thursday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. The t 1v. jotiti (. ilnley, minlsti-r "Dl~ovt'ligfim.WIII anad Way" wiIi hé the miluiter'n sermopn thénne nefxt Suflday ut tht il o'clock church srie This lm tht e cofnd ln- th(- serle*aront **Our Everliving Faith." The muxic, under th#- direction of 'Miss Etmiiy R1.berts, organist dtréctor, ls asî Prelude---&lemfil'.rgludiNoble Quitrt4tteý "Vaatier, ', hy r,*iddren Bow ln Adoration" . Sullivani O>ffertore Antbe-rn- Sanc<tux Gounod Ptiude--Skfctch ii C Major Schumannl hbristlan lL.fe.' Thlsis asse begins next iunday at the régular 8tudy :perlod ol ,he .church so-hoo(l and çontinues forl Lx- Joint mee ý(tings. Parents and frlends- re urgf-d y, cooperate whùle-heartedl3'. Methodist Church Wllm(-tte avenue and! Lake avenue Riev. Amos Thornturg, minister The follom-lng scout troops for boys andj girls are spo)nsoi'td by this churoh: Girl Scout Troop 1- Thtirsdays at 7 :15 p. mn. Girl Scout Troop 2- Thursdays at 3 :45 p. m. Girl Scout TrOoop 4- Tuesdays at 1.:45 P. M. Brownle P-ack i- Wednesaiays at 3 :30 p. m. Boy Scout Troop 3- Thursdays at 7:30 p. m. The Church school convenes at 9:45, o'cloek. There are classes for ail agei'. Lenten Week of Prayer, meetings will be held next week beglnnlng Monda"ý afternoon at 2 o'clock at the parsonage. Be sure to receive the schealule of sev - ices for, the week at this meeting. Confirmation class wlll meet on Tues- day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Th tht' en's club wlll meet on Tuesdasý SThe. two boola Henry G. Zand ÔooW»k ln thé ýk wll el nd n"IrUM t 40V.VALUU iU share ii this worac. Mos pe - The speaker at the Noonda>' Lenten d bY Mrs. The Married Couples' Discussion group Services ln the Harris theatre from Thé Sunday' achool w-i meet pt 9:46. y t 19.80 wili meet tht.s unde.y evening at th,-. 12 -.10 te 12.30 toda>' and tomnorrow WiIl There are classes for children hétweeP will be borne of Mr. and Kre. larold ILundtberg, be Our Own Bishop.' Dr. George <?raig thé ages of kindergarten aaid the blgh th iah $22-08 Washijuton aVenue, st 8 eCilck. The -Stelwart. Next we.Febru*ryV 19, school. Visitorsare welcoqne. 't

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