standing- events ofte year wiII be the Wagner Music. Festival at. Bayreuth f rom JuI'y 23 to August 21. The pro- grain of ,particular interest, to music loyers wilI open with the presentation of Parsifai, followed by Lohengrin, Rheingold, Walkure, Siegfried, and Gotterdammerung. IN FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs.. Alex S. Joslin,- 240 Essex 'r oad, Kenilworth, motored South last week-end to vacation,*at Winter, Haven, Fia. They will be Leave the childreni with US...0 For their helpplness anid. your peae c mind - leRve :your. children wlth us.' Transportation for school chlldren. Wholesorne meals. Interestlng location. Al, sports availiable. They will enjoy. YOuÙr vacation, too. Also Pre-School end After-School Club&, CaUli a forlInf ormai«o Outdoor Recrection School MUI Niehigan Avenmue .WIi.tte 108 Betsy N. Shapker, T>retnr ,- Itb year iz Level Steam Rea.t, .s, Orchestra, bing, Bos.tlng. rkian Pla.i Sprin Corns to akes, or sun-tans on one of the beautiful Rivieras, he wiIl find con- Italy First, Is geniality, happiiless and hospitality Word to Traveler thebyw ore beautiful, the Bay of Italy in the Spring, a spring that Naples is radiant in its spring foliage, cornes to the south whiie the rest of Rome, of course, is a necessary part Europe shivers in chili North Atlantic of the Italian tour, a visit that is par- winds, is a paradoxicai season, orange ticularly pleàsant during the early trees blossorning but a few hours spring, in those few xnonths before Alps. Whether the traveler motors ner claugnter, mary Louise, are leav- from hill-town to hill-town, or'feeds ing next Sunday for a two moths' the pigeons at St. Mark's, sails the' stay in San Antonio, Texas. NAT ý ON AL. PfýRK fi K fýN S' he, L 1 how -