ing with international tourist tracie. even rnuugn [I anl 111S, DroUALJlAlAines pling the Lwo iarg A cuib he is in a d ither over ste amship ac-, merged their company with the first land that ail of the Atlantic lines were commodatioiis. botel reservations. andi largest electrical inst rumnent lirm if gathered in a big conférence and that s eats for. the procession. And sncb thee country. ail of the Pacific Iines were, gathered arrangements brinig about a réal ditb- Hobby l.a ird Lore 'in another. These two conferences: er, My frienids. Fo& 18 years he bas lived in Win- control ail of travel tbat is done, ex- ;A44 to the coronation, which is netka, Il years i the present bouse, cept for the small fines. No ti avel attracting a world of attention due and before that on 'lower road. ie bureau may do business on these to thé: romantic rumors about tbe erstwbhile king and Mrs. WallY Simp- son, the Paris exposition, scheduled for'1937 aiso1 and the. usual comings and goingsofprosperls Qor ambiti- ous Aniericans ýand you hâve some idea of the magnitude of thé task. VeteanuTraveher Me. Simnpson is, quite new to travel as a business, havlng been affiliated witb the Travel, Ser'vice bureau ini Chicago only since June, but he is a sonie in color, and ne iceel in neat reels of 400, 800,i, feet ini a spick and span in bis office. For bisv lecturinsg he bas a nifty1 folding rack and small beadec froni their trips. andi a lot ot peope have seen the British Isies, France, Itaiy, Switzerland. Germany, Gua- temaa the Rocklts. But. compara- tively 'few have taken the trouble to round out their backgrounld witb books, maps, and curios. Mr. Sitmp- son is intent on. collecting a fine travel librarv. and,.already bas an out- Sul got is irip AI.omc*. The littie matter of a golf gaine aiso fgured in Mr. Sirnpson's anecdotes. One of bis clients love s to play r golf and arranged to meet Mr. Sîrnpsog this- summer at. St. Andrews, Scot-. iand--orthoueht he arranged. Mr" Simpson, holiday-minded. did flot keep to a strict scheduie ini Scotland and Engiland and therefore could not be reached. So the Rame wa's off. But you see how rnuch wangling can be managed if need be.' As for* the coronation. that will takçe wangling indeed. Airady Mr Simpson says boats comingf from 'Australia, N4ew Zeaiand, and similar noints. have al reservations taken. Space is scarce, on other boats, -too. Two million people are expected to throng London streets and sleep on boats in the Thanies and as far away nageantry of the centurv,' says Mr. qimoson rnnfidentlv. "We are de- 1jçhted with our far-sightedness in making earlv reservations." I Christian Sciemnce Churchest glass the glory o h oi Uic arcu changed into the same image frotu glory to glory, even as by-th--4rit of the Lord" MI Cor. 3:.18). Among the citations whjch coni- prised the lesson-sermon, was the followiing from' the Bible: "Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God: that we might know the, things that are freely given to us of God" (I At this juncture 1 inqurec Simpson was a native Cbicau, he confessed he had been 80o i if Mr. do"n m an. and j describir mocught- ., Sion »f each divi-1 son. Anld tht in, reduc- I by the steams - -~t u u l i l i ii. i u '5 , na A Ar L V A A i y IJ C V A A i n - t the steatnship itiated into Sigma Delta Chii, national tablisbed priées honorary fraternity in journalism. Z upon the sea- Earl arrived borne Wednesday of last , rage fee is paid week to spend several days between,' to the bureaus. semesters witb bis parents.