W udows., Vrpflans Widows and orphans of United. Stat.esArmy meni will be bene-. ficiaries *of the large Military, ba1, w'hich, for the first timie in five years, wiIl be given by the Army ReClief society of the Sixth Corps area Saturday evening, February 27, at the Lake Shore. Athletic club in Chicago. About thre e thousand tickets, itis expected, will be sold for 'the. evenit ,wbich will be - Wïnîitary...tmos - phere with the many flags and regi-1 mental, colors used in decoration. A grand, march, dancing, entertainment, with s tage and radio talent, and sup- Gen. Charles D. of the Sixth Co the Army Reliel she is chairman on the general Paul Newgarden. Mrs. Wiilliam Charles Thuis, Mr. Ernest B.- Valentine, Tea The Febrtuary meeting of the. North Shore auxiliary of the- Chicago ,Maternity center w1ili be a Valentine tea and 'musical at Anchorfast,,the fhome of. Mrs. Auust F. Daro (Vera Megow- en), 1742 Judson avenue, Ev- anston, 'rues day of,'next week fromi 3 to 5 o'.lock. Miss Ka th ry.n. Anderson,.wll known p[Ïanist of - Chicago, will give the program. She has appeared in a- number of Kimbali. Hall recitals as. a member of the Reckzeh-Andérson two-piano teamn. TWo seasons ago they gave a programn at th'e Wilmnette Wônatils club. This tea~m Ihes .Is appeared in cities in the rniddle west. As a~ soloist, Miss Anderson haF gi-ven prograrns recently at several musicals on the- north shore and later in the sea son will play at the Evansto n Womnan's club. Shie is a graduate of the'Chicago Musical col-. lege where she was a pupil of Kari Reckzeh. Miss Anderson ivill play twvice dur-: ron, wife of , is president ea' brancb of y. As such, Atyer; ±vrs. Vrac C . 630 Maple avenue, wife of Doniat, Mrs. Paul J. Dowl- Isabella street, whose .hus-, Major Dowling; Mrs. Avery 5Greenwood avenue, wife of ývery: Mrs. James B. Jor- Washington avenue, wife of Mrs. Frank Stuart' Yantis of 1130 Locust rocid, has been a W sojornerin. the south,.havin.g returned rece>,tly uith.Mr. Yanttis. from: week' say«t the Nautilus hotel in. Miami Beach, iehere she was graphed in the hôtel yardens. Mrs. Yantis is a member of the com n charge of tea-lea'f readinijs at the Better Homes exposition sit the W( Club of Wiirnette Pebruary 23, 24, and 25. t Plhoto The Wite XVeacLc .. . Fle March of the Wooden Soldier . .. Goosens. mette The Hurdy-Gurdy Ma~n ........Goosens three Punch and Judy Show.... .... Goosens 5hoto- Toccata......... ... ........ Debussy iitt e The members of the advisory board Swill be the guests of honor of the afternoon. They are Mrs. Ralph Heilman, Mrs. Benjamin Bis, Mrs. Oliver Blackburn, Mrs. Earl Cooper, Mrs. Lewis Ermeling, Mrs. W. -H will be thé ers. H. C. bostesseis. serving a guests., r or sity last week with tg thé univer,- G. 1Bersie, Mrs. H. A. S: Martin ,L. Kresge, and Bréen. f 't Mrs. H.. iey, Mrs6. s.- A."' R.