"The Street of the Fishing C is the novel that won the Al. dions' prize over the .contestants thirteen 'different, countries. authorý is a Hungarian woman spent part of ber life in. Paris,, it is the' Frenchb "melting-pot" ,wl Jélan Fôldes describesin thi-s chai ing book. Josephine . Lawrence's new ,bc "The Sound of Running Feet". passes her two previoüs greats cesses. t is a human story of Arr ican if e today. 1 A new book scheduled for7 fui review 15 "The iHundréd .Years" Philip Guedalla. Ibis. session will be 'the thirdo series' held on' alternate -Moni mornings at 10:30 o'clock in church parlors under. the auspices the North End circle. The talks' open to thepublic, . d. icetsç, the series or for individual lectu may be obtained at the door. Jiiii wilL gi the J( nlext Io sta suay, 41 at 9:10 tmoi s- o and Mrs. Paul Cummins. Te After luncheon members of the Teaîutnnaè association will model in a wvxho style s h ow p res ented by a shoip fea- and tuüring town a nd country clothes. hich ook, Delta Gamma Mothers sur- Meel at Chapter Hous. mer- The large living room and sun iture room of the chapter bouse in Evans- by ton is the setting for tbe meeting of .the Delta Gammra Mothers' associa- ofa don -of Nortbwestern uieriythis idaY afternoon (Tburgday). Memnbers and the th eir guests are gatbering for dessert s of at 1 :30. Mrs. joseph Joyce of Kenil- are wortb is in charge of arrangements Lres Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Becker, wbo have been living in Rockford bor, since tbeir marriage, and have been n of spending somne timne witb their par- irth, ents in Wilmette, have gone to New hbis York City wbere Mr. Becker has~ been transferred on business. [A t.,. 'o ~* 'e.. * 1*. ~ v YOU-111 Want a remembrance as ex- quisite as she is - and 1+at's why you'II corne riglit to Stevens for it. Here are just a few of the mnany Iovely ones you'II find - wrapped, in.tissue and 'ribbons for you.. Mal'chab.lilS valentine - tbree crown shaped boffles of perfu me in a specilvalen- tine box, SI Sentiment She WiII Love *g s, e~ ~ *2* g. - * .g s.. 'se. $1 * g*.*~ e. s. ~* ** g g. o.. ,.~' t' .1 's I i'- 0-