3 blocksa to Dec-b 1-st transp. and, stores. A real buY at $65 KENI LWORTH: COLONIAL BRICK., fairly new-7 rms. 2% baths-7 5 t. ýnear North Shore_5 blocks to,; lake- WINNETKA DUTCH COLONIAL CLAPBOARD 7 rms-1l% bath.s-11,2 porches, auto. ht.-near.,New' Trier-$15OOO. BEST EAST LOCATION-Brick> Georg- ian--Col.. 1/3 acre-8 rms-3. bath&-$45,OO. QUINLAN & TYSON, m1c.ý 156,71 Sherman Ave., Evanston Uni. 2600 ýWii. 2602. 1i LTN4-ltc, 200. White bungalow ln perfect order. 5 rooms, 1 bath, fire'. place ln living room. Surnmer poech. Attached garage. Gas heat. Very moderato cost. Ideal for family of two or three. GLENCOE, private road, East of Sher- ldan. Very attractive white stucco on hollow tile. English architecture. 8 rooms, 3% bat-hs. Sunroom. Open screened Frances J. Winscott' 902 Spruce Street Winn. 1267 Il1LTN4O-ltC Insp)ection 2 :30-5 :30 SUJNDAY, FEB. 14, ,127 GLENWOOD Ave. 3bocsN.E. of Hubbard Woods stations.' YOU will love this artistic 7 rOOM, 1% baths, brown shingle.. house. It hais a perfect setting among > fine propertiea. Nr. the lake and Yet nr. stores and'trans. Its large. 75x200 ft. lot, with deep- se- cluded.lawn and garden la a priceleSa asset. -The large light living room wi th adjoining covered terrace, is attractive. The price $15,500 la rtght and you cýxn have possession now.. F. WANNER, REALTOR 19 S.- LaSalleè State 5111 Kenil.'5111 111LTN4-tc Ideal Arnericaný Colonial on 10-Acre Estate Spftcious living, inling' and 'breakfast rooma, library, toilet-lavatory,. first, floor; 6 bedroome, 3 baths second floor; 5 fireplaces; 2 porches;-,a. modern home ln a unique setting near schools and transportation. Price smashed to $60,000. Easy terma-or lesa for cash. 5 or more acres could be sold at real profit, or held2 till these 5 acres paid for rest of property. HEINSEN REALTY Co. 660 CENTER ST. WINNETKA '254 111LTN4O-lte Glencoe, Winnetka or iivaflst<n. .No brokers' Wilniette 2383. î'bN9lc A R A ET A T WANTED TO> BUY. IN ýE AST WIL. IN THE SUNSET RIDGE SECTION or Kenil. 6.r7rombk.hue 2 ani the estate district of BarrIflg- bath s, 1 car gar. mnodemn and In, good ton we can offer-several attractive condition. XVfilI buy for cash. Give de- parcels from 1 to 20. acres in aize scription,. locationadaieo lot in at 1 nteresiing prices. Cal one of letter., B-53, Bo .60, Wilmbette, 111. our acreagie experts for r complete 'Z . 113LTN494ltc information. WANTED TO Bt7Y-DESIRABýLE.3' QUINLAN & TYSON or 4. bedrm. fise. in east Evanston or . 157.1 Sherman Ave., Evaflaton E. W n e a th O C a . A - U niversity 26.00 W i m ette 2602 dress B54, Box 60,'Wimette, Il. 124LTN40-1tc 11I3LTN40-1tC FOR USALE-VCN Closeé in North 'Shore res! lential acre- ageý in section of fine home's. Corner Unusual Opportunity ares cost owe 2,000. For quick F or you to, own a fine large lot- lu West sale will accept $8,500 c ash. Sec Mr. ýGýe oveloking the Skokie Countr~y Club, at a,. real bargain. .Hokns ,ý501& JeksIc, Northeast corner Grove- and Jack- 51,3 Davis Street Greenleaf 1617 son........................ 100x175 ft. 124LTN40- lte Grove St. 100 ft. N. Jackson 82xc175 ft.____________________ Jackson 175 ft. east of Grove 71xg2 f t. gL SrT LAN Tese pÉopei6?t¶ assurIe you of good RF-AL___________________ neighbors and will give purchasers theFE E AL O .ÊLY S benefit of aamnali. estate 'at practical'yFE RA HO È 0.1N the same cost you pay for ordinary LOANS ON' NORTH~ SHORE HOMES. lots.Borrow up to 60% of value. CotwO-' lots.. lent nionthly repaymneft pla over 5 to SMART & GOLEE, Inc. 15 years. Deal with a local Institution. EXÇCLUSIVE AGENTS Full details by Inqulry at Firut Feera 1564 Shermnan Ave., Evanston. Wil. 2486 Savinge and Loan Association of WUl- I14LTN4-ltc mette, Mr. cliftoii, Secretary, 1124 Cena- PROSP CTIVE tral Avenue . Wilînette 1823.LN1-t HOME BUILDERS WANTED-it"EM- ESATSz WATCH THIS COLUMN FO Want aIl, kînds of Real Estate np.vg- rezaingoicehl~st (listing) for sale and rent. -- - .T. *...,:.,.1 McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. 328 Park Ave., Glencoe, Ph. Glencoe 13 1i LTN40-ltC CLOSE, TO LAKE Modern brick, slate roof, copper gutters, 4 bdrmis.,. 2 tile bas., ex. lav. canvas walls-2 car can be tance tranar month- at 770 n. Owfler will 4,500. Well finau St. or Phone GIE BARD WOC tae 16ô3 c4icago Ave., Evanston ag. Gre. 2700-Rog. Pk. 6636-Wil. 608 Lpng 114LTN40-ltc dis-' and EAST ENILWORTII this 100 FT. LOT~ ONLY 1/ BLK. FROM Caîl LAKE AT LOW PRICE F $95 170. PER FOOT. -a p Hokanson & Jeniks, nc. 513 Davis Street Greenleaf 1617 FURNITURE and RUGS SNELSON BROS. FURNITURE AND WAREHOUSE CO. 2 years to pay 9x12 Amer. oriental rug, $15; Beaut. mod. 2 Pc. living room sets, $29, $39, $49. Beaut. 4 room outfit, $169. Thousands o! other bargaifla. 6.310 BROADWAY * r.1166 5ROOM BUNG., 50 FT. LO 7 room house, $7,000, S. E * 7 roolü col.,. 1% b., $1150. i Winnetkai 1194. -11 Inç. _ _ _ _ _ 1.370 AST WILMETTE ;.40 mtmmi ad North Shore, 141oIlb., sunrmn., 2 batl $3,700. 1Pressed brick on hc Lange, Woodeê cor. $16j q40-ltp 49314 lks. 5bedrms., eneigborhood. saefor 3rd. O R mc itl.Asbestos Mc TDl? &ORR n. - osteel boller. I630 Davis St. Evanston Gre. 1080 I Owner. Wil. 111LN4O-tP ,122L.TN40-lte y REJUi 2049. 1 rm. 1