Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1937, p. 59

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This new systeni of handicapping bowlers is the result of the combined study of the cornmittee and bids fair to become nation wvide famous. It abso- lutely remoVes all advantage of ,the, *better bowlers .over .the beginners and operates automratically as a bowler imr- proves his gaine. A ltague of ten teanis hals te'nbrackets- of five men each, handicappeid in series of five, based on the best five average *sc.ores, as scratch for the league.ý' The pairingsfor toinighit (Tlîursday) are: ScotTowels, H-dep. 185 v's. Wilson rdeal, Hdcp. 190. Manor House, IHdep. 120 vs. Kraft-Ph>e- nix. Hdep. 35., Linco Products, Hd:p. 85 ýVs. Peacock. "400"Hdcp.130. Old Monk. 1.ldep. 90 vs. Gebhardt's, Eagles, Hdep. 75.. Town Crier. Hdcp, '85> vs. Stewart'st Coftee, Hdcpj. .125. Kraft.-Phenix teani leads the league with an average of 801 and high single gtttie of 877. 'They also< lead for'bîgh teain, three gaines, with a score of 2583. Gebhardt's Eagles' follow in second place wi an'avérage of 759 and a mark of 874 for high single gaine. They hiave a total of 2492 for second hiighi teain, three gamnes. High single gaine for the season goes to Manor House with a total of 903 pins. Second high single garne is award- ed to Town Crier with a'total of 888. TeamW,. L. Pet. Schaefer's Tavern...35 16 .665 Shimonek's Service..29 22 .551 Teatro dej Lago ....... 28 23 .532 Krier's Biiffet.... .. . . .27 24 .513 Scott's. Morticians .....26 25 .494 H Ick's, Tavern .... ..... 26 25 .494 Meier',s Tavern....... 24 27 .456 Braunt Bros. 011l Co . .23 28 .435 John's Place....... ... 22 29 .416 River Inn ............. 19 32 .361 Suniday, Februar.y 7, Ouilmette Counicil -of the Ki ights of :Columbus s;ent several five-men t.eatins to corn- pete in the state Kinights, of Column- bus tourîîament. Beside«sthe five' meni teams several of the bowlers en- tcred ini thé, double and single mat ch es. Il the siigle :gàmes and the dlou- bles and'ail even 1t'matches Quilmette camne out 011 tOôp.' duilmTete Cotùincil cati l110w boast of two champions for the Statc of Illinîois ini the Kniglits of olirnbl)s league. Tlîese ch~am- pions are Phillip Èfeser, winner of thé singles, and ail arobund events, and George Bles'er co-winner, with Phillip, in the double match gaules. Phillip Bleser had a score of 697 in the single gaines, a score of 664 in the doubles and thlese scores coxh- bined with his total of 566 pins in the five men teamn ganies gave hum a total of 1,927 pins for first place i the "Ail Events" for the day and the LIFE" is the byword 'of ail thrifty. shop pers who make it a. rule to shop first in WiLMETTE'LIýE andý the messages of OUR ADVERTISERS ADVERTISÉR PAGE A,& PFoodStores.......21 Ace Motor Sales...CvrI Acousticon: Co..........50 Bismarck Hotel ............ 24 Blue Parro~t, The ........... 39 Bluni's nc ................. 35 Book Nook, The -.......46 Bowman Dairy Co.......... 33 Brauch's Siamber Shop .....47 Chandler's................ 46 Christian Science Church... 8 Colby ADVERTrISER PAGE. Maànnerud, Ethel M......6 Marshall* Field Go.. .23,29,45,47 Martin; Edwin G.......... 41 McDonough & Strand........ 6 Mellody Parnia Dairy....2 Mil1,ur's .............3 Murine Co.............. 46,50 Mercer Lumber Co. ... Cover IV. New Eastman Hotel & Baths 25 North Shore Lace 'Curtain Cleaners................ 58 North Shore Refrigeration Co. 58 . o. . .. . ..37 tindisputed 'i Adolph Petei Flour teain. single gaine is still score of 274 held by of the Town Crier K. 0F C. LEAGUE Resuits for Thtirsdav, Februarv 4, ini the Knights of. Colunibus bowling Shliionek's serv- i ne j £am i Raymond Fou, special free taininents for ed this month Natural Histor Friday, Febrw en, tO bD Fieldi M he firsti 2, and Davis Furniture Go.......... 6 Ellis, Fred A. & Go......... 48 Enyart, Van Camp & Poil .... 41 Evanston Academy of Fine Art 46 Evanston Business College ... 35 Ericks on, Ben .............. 50 Peacock, C. D .............. 41 Peacock Ice Cream......... Il Public Service Co... Cover 111 Quinlan & Tyson ........... 48 Real1 Estate............... 49 Rensch Warehouse......... 58 .15 Meier's aut stili holds the Florida v2 seventh position with Braun Brothers at Avon Oil. company just one gaine behind February day ot last weelc on ion. They are stoppi cand will be there ur and possib'ly longeýr. ~25 ... . .. .. 17 .s. . . . . .9 r. ......... ... . .. . . . lac ....... 18, 19 Il.

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