arils, hthereWilI be two aduits on the hike to,,go with tbe ten girls, and every safety precaution will be observed. , -Wiedniesday, February 24:, Troop Scribes will have a supper, meeting at the home. of ýMrs. J. C. Baker, ý347 Maple avenue. Scribes are scouts -who report the activities of their troop to Mrs. Baker, chairman of the Publýicity committee. Friday, February 26: The camp coin- inittee is sponsorinlg a trip to Winter's Grocery storeat,1144 Wilmette avenue. The. store is providing a guide to ex- plain to the, scouts, ail the. interesting .particulars of. the grocery ýbusiness- refrigeration systems, and stockingý the shelves-and ail the things girls- wonder about when they go. to the store to buy a loaf of bread. Scouts will meet at ~theGirl Scout office i»amediately affar school and ail go to the store together. Feb ruary 22, 9:30 a.m. Lfocal Coun- cil meeting in the Gir.l Scout office. 7 :30 p.m. Leaders' association at the .Nlethodist church. Brownie Notes Pack One is stili without a Brown Owl. Until there is a Brown Owl for this Pack in the 'Methodlist church Miss Mar- celI will take charge of the meetings.. Dosabelil casmie Soap Made from 01Kv. Oil 4-lb. bar sp«iaI, 1.3 9 Miss Florcerce Marceil, local Girl Sentt- diretw h ýet C*~1 ntîv-70ý turned fromn a tzuo-week's training course iii Scout work at Turkey Run Ipark, I1n4. =.ia.y Scented COLO REMEDIES TOILETRIES $ 1.00 Remn Cough 60c Amolin Cream .... 49C Remedy....... 89C $1.00 Jergen'a Lotion . 89C 75c. Vick'a Vapo"Rob.. .69C 8-oz. Lyman'a Hand SOc orwih NLotJion......75c Drops ........ Hart's Efedron Jely >-I31c'Dorothy Graiy's «Blustery 50ce Lax. Bromo Weatlier» Lotion. .$ Myra Hess, Artist-Recitalist, Is Famed Interpreter of Bach Music Emiinent Woinan Pianist Will pianist who nade Bach speak elo Give Proàramn on March 1 quently and immediately Bach be- came a vogue, so. much s0 that if she works. It soon dawned uipon own indivi( L'audiences that here was ai problems." 'I -j rn~1 il