.PATRONIZRË OUR ADVERTISERS.ý OYSTERS SO. GOOD they psdalwabout 'em y , tu 1 xw d t@buy fo wellas tg Be. . Wint.r, va.., 1144 Centrai Ave. A V F e" Store, 461 Linden Ave. Sewel v« oe $, Ill& Venta.i Ave.,, Pear~u's X1 818 iS Bdge Ave. A & Foo.d Store, Green Bay lLoad, Kenilworth A &P F ood Store, 110 Central Ave. A. 8. Tau Deusen, 1Ù~4 Central 4ve. on this subject since the recoin- mendation was made on February 5. in bis Message té Congresi. Much-. more viill..be said and writtenà in-the days that follow. Even so,: I feel Ii vwould fait in my rightful duty andi responsibility to, the people. I an E privileged to represent if deliberate( efforts were not made on mny part - to present the import' of the question1 now before us. Sfr.k.8 At Foundation The proposai of the President goes1 tthe very basis of the Anierican. system of governmeflt. liebas, in substance,' récommended< a funda- m ental change in the historic Ameni- van conce pt -of a governmelt of only« limited powers and of a system. of checks and balances betweefl the three branche s-Eecutive, Legisiative No doubt the proposai for increas- ing the size of the Suprenle Court has its political aspects and political implications. But these considera- tions of a purely political nature mnust not be pertnitted to becloud the issue. The first essential for an intelligent understaflding of the question is that we set aside aIl party partis anship. pie as--;a Demnocratic meMber of U.on- gress who supports the recommenda- tion simply, because it would be po- litically ext edient for hirn and bis party. We are not dealing with an ordinary political question.I the Iast. campaigfl the President did not commit his party to this unusual proposai. As a matter of fact, when the question was~ raised lie remained our judgment On the issue asI ,Whether, or ntot .additional appoinit- mniits should be-made to the Supreme Court we Will have lost sight.of issue itse1V. The determiflifg elements must be, if Our >decision. is to be ,a sounc o ne, not what would, be, polîti- cally expedient and not what would be our imimediate personal. benefits, but rathier what would be'desirable for this Republic for generations, to corne ,after us. In seekine an intel- ligent conclusion, Our. major- respon- siîiyisflot to *ourselves in the year 1937. It is rathe r to thoise who> have gone before us and to;those who corne after us. IWant to Wite Yo'ur Ini respoise. to numerouS requests from readers eager to communicate with their elected representatives. in Washington we are pleased to here- with publish the naines and Washing- ton addresses of members of the United States Congress given below : St.4.. *atsSenatora frOM llinoas- Hon. E. V. Champion., flinois Representatives W~ Congroa- District 1-Hon. Arthur W. Mitchell. 2-Hon. -Raymond S. McKeough. 3-Hon. Edward A. Kelly. 4-Hon. Harry P. Beam. not the lunctti o i i LI %,,vu,___t_ _tu upon tMe econom ic and social value J a e h l ' 7 0 L n n av u , and advisability cf any particular law' JalmesTthal e 1mLiden eine it is rather the sole functioii of the W ilie fte Lsobonl a e tedp it - Supreme Court to deter infe whether ctiof oft Loyola Praepte u lia under the constitution as it. nowtonf ylacam.