STILL GOES OIN!, PRESIDENT Roosevelt. sets, à new precèdent by beinc the; first, péesident ta b.i cited es thé. cou nfry's No. 1, Beau B -ame.There seems to b. no end té this "new cieal"I THERE'S NO end fteoye- srelns potentiel harm Se sure tat. regardless of conditions end circumstences, your eyes recoive our exem- inetion and cere 'with unfeil- ing iogulority. Vion-our mot preclous possession-s et stoe. Preserve if Iniprove it. wifh our!tîelp. nealth,c signaling Troop' Johni ffller,' .Davd.' -Tendexloot- er, WillUanT De iarles Lewisà ighit, Second Ci inries Fuller,ý ri -irst Clan-4 ùeaker. Carter Best, uax1uuiCrLttI.; ."~Untr xing;- Bill Davis, patter, mie' s#lmmhing, leathercaft -, DaN patter, metal Work, anglng, SI Holden Farrar, civice; George ring, Journlsm, business; Ge( .-rs, leathercrafÏ, metai work, swlmmlng; EeniP Reade, 91 Tom Ryan, swimming, le" metal, work; Pred whitlng, mf Troop 18--Second Clas-Cii Coy; I&erIt ]Badges-IClffOrd irk Becker, ls, Charles Ian Marsh, ms-Stewart ian Marsh, harles ]Bay- Best, Edwin )avis, Davis ,rge Morris, Fyan, Jack hitlng; Star gs-Carter ,nn wm collectig, 8safety: IVanfACXOrR gw, mning, athlettcs. SCOUTMASTERS A meeting of ail of the Scout- masters of the area will be held on Monday evening, at Phil Johnsodls County Line 8 o'clock. A number of items of, especial inter- est to aIl Scoutmasters will be dis- cussed including the jamboree, Camp. Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, rallies and other activities. Firat Aid Torm en middle- west hold an, inter-council mnid-west first aid tourname nt, the finals of which were last year held in the North Shore -area counicil at t DRAMAI The Wilmette Sea Scouts have again triumphed. This, time their success, has been achieved ini the field of the drama. Each yeÇar the Scoutmasters, their assistants, Skippers. and Mates,- -are invited' to a Scout dinner- Rep- resentations of scout. activities are presented along with very excellent talks by distinguished gues ts. As* one of the features of this ýyear's celebration, 'Skipper' Huggins was. asked to p resent bis boys'in a tab- leau based on 'the 1937 Scout cal- enidar. titled "Scouts of, Many Trails." Four of the Sea Scouts tôook ; an active part in the skit, . while the entire ship aided indirectly, furnish- ing the properties. The scouts tak- ing part were: Ben Richards, jack Weinstocçy.Ed ,Colegrove and E1? in he uN council night et to be ship amc Dic] y night for the Tuesday formance, the Evanston he Wilmette ship an in- t.Skipper Carl F. Parker t mate, Bob Callow, were 4., by B3ob Torp-Smith, mn, Edward Stuart, Johns- SBb Johnson and Bîll le Wilmette scouts, regret 1 - OX RASPUERRI!S Serves Four Persons - Quickly I and Economicully No Was** I clim ax to an ev n tu i an d c co orful Court of Honor. .Mr. Yost is an assistant district lScout commss~iner and a memnber: Class - IXenneth Magle Pronue ciateý !lt a James am