years of evelopment ny the Cyii- pany's research la boratory, begun ini 1932 'by the late Thorp Hiscock, formher vi ce-president of. United, who developed' two-way- aircraft voice, r adio and nuinerous other advance-_ mnents in air transportationi, Patter- son stated. Serving as an aerial "switc hing" system .from the po'it-to-point radio rangesignais of government stations along the airways., the United local-, izer beam, featuring, a novel tri- angular umbrella type antenna, 111- tescsthe regular, airway beam. at a, point as distant as 30 mnilesý from the landinig.: field. Pilots folllow' itsý path of radio signiais, ntil they are directl'y over the air port, to establis h the position of their plane exactly. PhfllIIfS Embodying several innovations iii izer beamn is directional, so that air- ports can guide its signais in desired directions. The trianigdlar shape of the anitenna eliiniates any distortion of the path of thé heami caused bweather conditions, 'United. engineers dlaim. withiout dirt or bother. This is also when you appreciate the. fuithfulness and thoroughness of .. . i I United Air Lines Photo. Modem YAir Liners iil alinosi bc literalh, lcd home, by rings on thieirý s fôr Uiiited Air. ,icus techmical engineers have just perýfected a netw '-type an tenua -whicli enables radioci rcceiicrs aboard p'lanes to fiikctionl ,ad. ipfpri-fiY-ciie frnis rain aud *snnt' .tatïc. This imPèrtant neu aid to North Shore Branch IDINGEIt & SONS 3630 t4e.Av*., wilmelte, Uni. 5035-Wilmette 641 INuveen andi their two younger chïl- nexr; month ecovering f rom an infec-' dren, Anne and Timmy, left last Fni- tion in his foot and Ieg. 'He is the day for Palm Beach. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Vance. e I