son W s.,newy nstlle prsidntstandard of, living? Are they. im- of the'National, Association of Real1 portant to unemployment,. stili' the Estate boards, emphasizes. No.,i problem of the day?' Are 'they Hé, calls for lower total monthly a social security? carrying.charges for home ownership, "It is also My deliberate judgmnent iticludïing interest paynients, amorti- that this interest rate, this veriod zation charges and taxes, as the best ýof repayment and this tax rate can safeguard for the .the*flCw he secured. investment and building periodahead. "ilosaebiglae tlse Exceptsfroi hi adress atSt.rates on less' desirable, securities. Louisý, upon assuming the presidency There are billions of dollars in crédit of the association: lying idle. The Home Loan Bank "Building is inicreasing at 'a rapid' system is now ma.king money. avail- pace. As activity réeopns,,this mnust able to its institutional members, at be our irst objective; the 3M In regré o a osts, we. have. Volved in hundreds of thousands 'of made this progress: eighteen states foreclosures per year cannot be per- have already taken action, either miitted to reoccur. through -an over-all limit on the tax "îWe must destroy those forces that rate or 'through some form of home- brought on the disastei-. stead exemption., to put a. stop to, the STOKERS Over 40 years ýo! centinnouns servi ce s/aould conwice you o!0 the ,/igh stanrdard of. service tee rend er. 80Confer 4 W A 4l il 00 ri1I iLJ "'The principal tause Ôf the récent fhrôi epidemie of foreclosures and the Mr enormous loss sustained at that time for was, briefly stated, this: it cost too tures inuch to maintain shelter. It costs too morti mucb today. I do flot mean that the morti brick and the lumber and the labor sary. cost toô much, although that, too, has stabil been a factor. 1I iean that interest throu rates were then, and now are, too at ail h igh that the period of amortization medit "The cure, of course, is lower inter-, est' rates, longer period of arnortiza- tiand lower taxes and to these tliree objectives, I believe, the Na- tional Association of Real Estate boards should dedicate itself during 1937. -To illiïstrate the effect 'of these alisnrnent of a cer anking system w] înld be sold if nei gency would 'be ,abl( rtgage money sur nce of' its bonds. wl vould be an investnr which 'the public cc "'New color tones of 'a shingles lend charm to thé says John. A. McKeighian,1 of Lake Shore Roofing c 1025 Greeilleaf avenue, V 'The drear. lifeless aspect etonmnnhwlaeshinzles. whi JA M ES C RAB B GENERAL CONTRACTOR Builder of FINEST NORTH SHORE HOMES FOR 40 YEARS tfCklIVDI A vA rKi.i t ý - for hom e owners and builders, of thed h a. 'I People like the and- conveiieffce With these figures in imid YouI sun from pntrtn into the attic, can understand the staterxient. re- Iand working equally as well in keep- cently issued by *the, Departmnent of ing 'the house warmer in winteér."' Winnatka 265