Fhme. WHmff. 424 C.LR NOIRMAN & ÇO. «I. RIDGE RlOAD of sales over last year continued at 10() per cent., Part of the large dolar increase was due to the larger unit of sale. Ini 1936 the average sale was $10,00() while in January of this year it increased to $15,000. February sales to date have shown By. V. 3VV qM (Ajax Shingle Cia., Wilnette) Architects agréé that the roof, most of ail, affects the appearance of the home. A, roof cai make, a home look smart and attractive. can make it appear soundly built or cheap . . . can save money ýor cause extra ex<pense. When the home owner uses Flint- kote Thikbut Shingles, now being increasingly used on the north shore, on his present home or the home he plans to build, he gets a . roof in- spired by this muenmoeetfor, beauty and permanence ...a-vo-of, developed by noted aciet approved by leading home authorities and color experts .. . , and made durable by Flintkote's pioneering Made three shingles to a strip, Eîntkote ldkbut Shingles cover the roof quickly and econoniically. Their pleasing design gives an accurate pattern on any roof that adds charm tn any home. and GOOD SERVICEý following conunnties: One in vvu- mette, one inViinetka, four in Evanston. Robert S. Crane, general sales man- ager of Quinlan & Tyson,.Inc., mnakes the following comment: "ýThe open weather during the early part of Feb- ruary bas greatly accelerated the,. sales activity during this month., A great many. of the purchasersar tenants whose conviction to own- a home has been greatly strengthened bthe very general rent increase con- tained in the notices to existing ten. ants. mailed this month, These in- dividuals seemn conviniced that. one of the safest places for money is in a home which they can occup and- use and that this form of investmet furnishes one of the best protections agist inflation, as weIl as against rising rents. "Our inquiry has embraced al classes of property from homes, seil- ing under $10,000 up to $50,000 estat es, vacant property, riparian rigbts prop- erty, estate property in Barrington and ini the Sunset Ridge section. and investment property of both the apartment and commercial type. The ,present indication is that 1937 will 'see the largest volume of sales since ,ee your dentist twice d year" is states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, d advice. So is "inspect Vour Ohio, and Kentucky. Charles S. regularly.". In a .roof, as in a Wanless, Springfield, Ill., vice-presi- i. neglected bad spots can cause dent of the national association for nd of damage. the Great Lakes region, wil head the convention committee and preside at Y'ING.D1NING ROOM IDEA the general sessions. Me Ave.