Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1937, p. 32

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iCaIODbut for our uimu.5 or by Tuuday oome. t. Do Noir SAY "No!9" Just now,.when non-f actionai groups in the four N4ew Trier township villages, and in the township itseif, are seeking candidates for the various gov- ernmentai bodies, to be voted -on at the April elec- tions, it seems advisabie to remind viliagers of their'citizenship duties, which include taking an active part in the affairs of the township, village, school and parle districts, and public libraries. The groups now activeiy engaged in compieting the rosters of candidates for the various boards and offices are giving' a fine exhibition of publi c service. Tbey are non-politicai, non-factionai and non-partisan, and whether known as "caucus," "n ?rinfi fir éoenirt Y m't 'ornwto>are al impelled by the same motive, which is to take al locai offices out of politics and faction domination. Obviously, these nominating groups cannot do their best work without the cooperation of the bet- ter elements of citizenship. They are performing a difficuit task with admirable fideiity te the pririci- pies deemed essential to the most satisfactory administration of local 'governmental affairs. nd besicles, yout ity to shoulder a oing. So do not share of tl say "éNo." TAx EXEMPTION s receit nate f rom of. the organization, such as war relief, public health nursing, first aid, lufe saving, accident pre- vention,,home hygiene and care of the sick, hos- pitai service, Braille transcribing for the blind, and. other..um'anitarian activities. Aisb to hei.p>finance 'relief work in minor disasters, which *number more than 150,per year. Occasionaliy (on an average of once in every fiv.e years),. there occurs a major disaster of such magn.itude that a nation-wide appeai, is neécessary to meet the situation. tXpon completion of ever-y such disaster relief project, the Red Cross pub- lishes a complete statement accounting for every dollar received andexpended. These account s are audited by the United States War department in accordance with ,federai iaw. A financiai state- nment on any disaster is available to any interested person upon request. Examination of these statements is reveaiing. On~e surpri1sipg Lact is the low overheadcs in dis- aster relief operations, which varies from 4 to 6 per cent, maintainitig an average of a littie less than 5 per cent. This is due to the large propor- tion of volunteer labor which the Red Cross mus- ters into service. 'Less than one per cent of Red 'Cross workers receive any compensation at ail. The president, national chairman and members of the central comrnittee (the governing board of the national organization) ail serve without pay. The same situation prevails in local chapters. In the clotnîng, answer teiepnones, and nanate a multiî- tude of other details, keeping down overhea.d cost and assuring that every dollar contributed went the farthest possible on its errand of mercy. The north shore bas just reason for pride in its response to the appeal for help in the Ohio and Mississippi river cisaster.. It contributed promptly and generously. It sent truck loads of clothing, The sit downstriker of Eccelsior Springs, Mo., who sat down and declared that there hie would remain until a loveiy damisel proniised to marry hiini wonl. The girl said. "yesý." Proving, we'd say, that< fot ail girls, are born bright. The matrons of .Chicago's gold coast are f acing the greate$t crisis of their lives, and are they wor«- ried! It seemrs that that part of, the metropolis is' Short on 'bothtrees and treers, which fact has brought a great sorrow into the hearts ,of their canine dependents. To thle un- initiated it might be explained that a, treer is one, whotakes the pampered pets -of the* rich for an airing-at so. much per hour. The gold coast, in case you are one of the proietariat, is where the city's possessors of s~w01ivxifortunes have fheir mànsions or swanky hotel suites. Recent street develop- ments caused the removai of tnany trees, hence the demnand for the treers, who are supposed to walk the doggies. Just what connection exists between a dog, a treer and a tree is not exactly clear, but anyhow the dear matrons are in a peck of trouble. For not only are the irees scarce,- but' the treers have also become scarçe, possibly because of, the lo~tie, distanes they are conuelled.to walk before a are buit in the, iatural livict. i i eei uu there should be insufficient trees there are always available the fronts of.-grocery stores, meat markets and fruit stores. By ail means, ladies, if you wishi to be close to the source of ,supply, corne to the north shore. France has off ered Ger- its on the map of Africa, ýer an yway. Nerve is an and absolve another? Cl f or the législature to ban to the state laws. the matter i s one barrassisfl ough amendments aberrntios he should brew e can topl Drew The dueling doctor of Budapest is at it again. Sorneone wiii suice an ear off the doc one of thé se days, and then he won't tbink dueling so funny. Tuit P4ANiom RPM~.l aocSarily fer pid àmii eacb he*ho. the ourent lu" I t

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