*The banquet-bail will celebrate the thirty-second anniversary of the founiding of Rotary. It-was in Februery, 1905 that 'Paul P. Harris, Chicago, attorney,. nowre- siding- at 10856 Longwood drive, Chi- cago, calied 'a me eting of three friendsý and formed te ognzto which now encircles the globe with more than 4,000 -clubs in aimost ever3' country of the world and a total memibership. of more thani 170,000. . Cards :and dancing, ýith' music furnished by "Waddy" Wadsworth's orchestra and a special prograni of entetainment by. outstanding< per- formers will make up the evenizng'$s entertaitiment. .Anong the entertainers wiii be Mrs. Josephine Altmnan Case, 807 ,wiil be accompanjed at the piano by Mrs. Helen Hawk Carlisle; Miss Mariait Keeney, 523 Hawthorne Laite, Uinnetka, dancer, who WilI be s een in French, Cuban and Ameni- cati dances with Douglas Mac Miliani; Miss Janice Porter, 1300 North Dear- borti, opera star, who made hier debut in Chicago last year in "Jack and the Bcailstalk," and Miss Heleni Honan, dancer -and ini»ersonator. Delegatiojis from cities ill Wise, sin, Indiana, Michilgan and Illir wili attend the affair, and ini al mu than on'e-thousand guests will present. French Will Record Y:; 015s Dre bc . TRI1S SAI.SMAN WILL SPEND TO1WIGET à L L 1IN 0-11 1 B~ SL L ~PROWE Wilmette, who is sý at.Leeiburg. ing tne wint erj c..