School auditorium. J. UiresKoAU riayeri fhave assembledaa .To make "East L_viiie" an out- acsagcrw ta ias ucm standing succesà, The Thresholders petence the talented players you will see:across the footlights'. Direction have gathered from11 Glencoe, Win- i ntecmeethnsc ac *nleteHgandEPark. Lakte Frest, Persha*ll,.the north shore's ace direc- Wilmtte nd Eanson te cranitor. Supporting her is Theo Huguen- of the north shore's tepa production manager; James Mar- Practically every, part in this grand t oldsho whch hriledourparntstm, stage, manager, Kay Willet on 1costumes and Ruth Walter on props. and grandpareunts, across, the flicker- sets for "East Lynne" have ai- ing gas foot-lights of the old "Opryred bencmltdad re is House"," is being hand lçd by a rec- tincty of Gay Ninete'sandOpreHos-" ognized littie theater star who bas- icl fGyNntes"pyHue played lead roles ini previous Thres- character, so that every feature of hold. succesthis grand *old ciassic c f the Amer- hold ucceses:içan stage, will have the authentic, *Cat a FneFetulé oid-time ring, that brought tears and Says Director Nancy Pershàll,. lu iaugbter to the audiences' of fifty whose capable hands rests the im- years ago. If the advance requests portant task, of re-creating "East for tickets are any indication, The Lynne" niall its oId-tinie glory,> Threlold Pjayer' rreeaion "o "The cast asseinbled for this show "East Lynne" will have themstand- is the finest with which I have ever ing in the aisles just as the origal worked. Despite the fact that the production did i the glamôrous past. opening nighit is stili two weeks off, Apparently The Thresholders have every part is already running so caught another "bit-show." smoothly that we could go on to- morrow and give the most critical audience a good show. 1 believe that Herbert Horn Oflers 'East Lynne' will be the best eve- ning's. eritertainment we have ever Recital Tis Sunday off ered, north shore play-goers.", Herbert Horn, Young artist student whîichTh le 1 lresiioldi i'ayers have 01 l lb;Il -'d'uClus collected for this revival of "East- aft-ernoom, February 21, at 4 o'clock. Lynniie." Archibalçl Carlyle, stalwart Iu the near future he will give the trué-hai~te herois Îae to i rst American performance of the agu-ain iii he odolfshe made n-Ev pianio concerto by. John Ireland, Eng- uer by Joseph Shippen. Across from bish composyaton ohesncrts himi, as the beautiful heroine, the bThe I1Iinowic Symh y rceta audience wili see lovely Natalie Pur-Teprra wihheilpaynt cell Weber, white the rote of Bar- Sunday will be as follows. bara Hae, arile'ssecnd if , ~Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue ... . Bach baraHar, Crlye'ssecnd ife isVariations on a Theme by Paganini.. taken care of in highly competent .........................1. .Brahims jiaro, ucapegoat I A week from t] present a guest THE ,FlNEST'.0F 1UTS KI1NDI1