Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1937, p. 38

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Teas and more teas- with flowers and silver urus and beautiful linen-as the various committees.of; the club'sactivi- ties in thée Better Homes exhibit at- the Woman's Club 'of Wil- mette meet> at the homes of their chairmen to complete the articles they are making and to complete plans for decorating their booths. Op% sTuesday The.:annual B etter Homes exhibit wýill open on Tuesday,, February 23, at 10:.30 in -the morning, and for three days and e venings (closing at 10) the' club room will be show rooms with deznonstrations goit1g on ini the commier- cial booths showing the latest in time andi labor-sa'ving devices that make for better homes and with sales of beautiful and unusual handmade articles in the club's own bootbs. There will be music, flowers, color, life. Admission i s f ree. The Better Homes exhibit is given under the auspices of the wvays and means coinmittee of the club, of which ,,fl!,.tzcOan 'c 5ag.persuasive owr and even, peopiewho are skepticai to.- wardsm fortune, tellers, when approached by these, women. fal Into uine and have their fortunes told. The welght man bas returned froin. Florida in time for the Better Homes and .will agalinguess welghts. Childreflin Style Show Miss Helen ]Beach, chairxnan of. the large gift committee which has, made countlëss articles of original and beauti- fui designs. for the eiub's activities booths ' annouùnces the nainesof. the eilidren who will, model 2, 4, anid 6 year old sun t4uits in, a Fashion show. They are Roger Cloud. .Gayle Stegmian, .Edjth Marie Hughes, Forest James Gather- coal, and Dorothy Wirtley. The -mothers of these children, with the eyxception of Mrs. Cloud, wll mrodel peasant âprons. *Another group of ýchildren,' 6 to Il years In- age, wîll mnodel .children's peasant aprons. At Miss Beach's tea last week there were on disnlav samples of these eharrn- ich Js writing ie aprons and W,- priftted in :tea, )ne lin Amherst Club of Chicago on Wed- nesday evening, February 24, at the. Chicago Athletic association. H-S subject is "Business-Its Place în. a Modern Gollege." Charles H. Buresh, Jr., of Evanston is president of the club. Other north shore miembers include Winthrop H. Smith of Lake Forest; Edward F. Bristol of NNilmette; Austin M. Ziýmmerman and Hugh Flemingý of Winnetka, and Robert J. Koretz and ,Harry A, Swigart, Jr., ofEvanston.1 Dr. Kinxg is 'an Amherst aiumnu, as well as a -graduate of Harvard Law school, who retired from.the.lpractice of law to enter the s hoe, business in Boston. During the war. he served as 'spe- cial assistant to the Secretary of War;,wasa-,m ber of President Wi- son's Industrial conference of 1919- 20, and was a meniber of the Comi- -mittee on Supplies, Counicil of Na- tional Defense. He was elected to the Amherst presidency on April 9, 1932, and bas been -made a Doctor of Laws 'bv Dartmouth, Wesleyan, Colgate, Col- umibia, and Williams. Montfort Photo As (Jaurro the Be tcer 1-IbisieS exrposition. Ilrs. David Penn More- ton » las oii, of the înost import- ant roies ii';1 i econiding lyof flhe Be'tter Homnes ex position at the [Vonan's Club o f [Wihette Tues- day, Weditesday-. and Thu.rsday, Febrîuary 23, 24, ffld 25,' froin 10:30. jo 10 dail 'v. Thc publicj is invited to attend. *Mrs. Arthur on; Mrs. Ed- , C. Torrey, vice-president. ity chaimman, Homes pub- id Mrs. H-ow- 0 f extending ýan' s clubs of of thE le ln liicty ard E the p the ' /10 ji-ak avenIue, i 723, at i :30- o'clock, ber? and pee corn halls, Io chocolate nu ln Charge of Food YPOPS, gu s ill beh s-The Rev. J. J. Dussrnan, pastor of Our Lady ofPerpettial Help" church, Glenview, has been asked by the North Shore Catholic Womaîi's league to, speak on "Communisrn" at a meeting to be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at Winnetka Community House. As this is a sub- ject on which the speaker is con- sidered an authority, the league of- }ficers anticipate a lar:ge attendance at the lecture. A er lever fortune teiler wîth ab~ filr for seeing good fortune Just around Thor :)uth. MrsF. mt cco-hostess. mette. cu- street, Wînnetka. Mrs. Harrie t M. Wil- Hosken ivili be co-hostess. Lunch- eon will be served at i o'c-lock.,

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