ity of club miembers the shop again appeals.- Mrs. Thomas*P. Gibbons, president, of the club, made this pei"in behaîf, of Mrs., William H. 'Wolff, phil- anthropy chairmant in charge of the Thrift shop,ý at the meeting, of, the ,fine arts department Friday after- nooôn.of last w*eek. A meeting, of the Parent-Teacher association Friday of' this week' at 2:30 'clock in the. aftcrnoon, with the Rev. Barry Horn giviâg the ad- dress, was announced by Mrs. .James P. Reichmanq. It was of books and a bit .of mui that the program of the, afterffoon was made. Mrs. Frank Thale, in her vivciosthoughtful, intelligent wav. sumnmarized briefly five best sellers of 1936, in a f ew worçls qualifyngj three of themn, and theit with the aid Of a littie cast,, giving an illustrated review of two. One of the best. sellers topping the ist of non fiction is "An Americani Doctor's Odyssey" l)y Victor Heiser, -easy, light readl- ling," with absorbing content. In the fiction class she called attention to "Yang and Vinl," Iby the author of "Oit for the Lamps of China." Defin- ing~ romance as -not iust nioonlight Mr. andMrs. F. D. Shane of 422 Central àavenue returnied to Wilmette ITuesday f roum a month's trip'to. San Franci sco and>Ls ng eles. ward Cutnimiskey, fine artsý chairman. The red' of flowers 'and canüdies. and heart-shaped cakes, on the teatal was a gesture to St. Valentine's day.-J. Tr. B.- I U'L' -SHA>ÀPOO DUA0 FINGER WAVE, GLOWTONU 0$ 7.50 N .3 for 85c:- EST HER BEAUTY S HOP 1213 WILMETTE AVE.- WILMETIE 696 of children ini tourist class iii 1920, andl life ini the Street of th e Fishing Cat. "The Sound of R uing Feet" by josephine Lawrenlce, author of "If 1 Have Four Apples,." "is the ever- pr<senit prohlenm of the present age." based on a dreamn of running feet. T[his book, and "Gone With the Wid"were reviewed in. more dle- tait, particularlyv the latter. e e,. e e The day itself, Linco' Was recognized in de( brief ceremony planned Reduced s. Ed.Ee ROADB 1 Ever