In a candlelight wedding cere- mony at Shawnee Country club, last Friday evening,, Mis; Dor." othy MacFarland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. MacFarlarid, 54Créscent place, was married toWilliam Bosworth, the son Of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Maynard of. Chicago, formerly of ýWin- netka. Across the windows in the lounge of thé club an altar was forrned of greens, white roses, and white freesia,. and lighted candies and white flowers also decorated the tables where buffet refreshments were served during the reception that followed the ceremony. Officiatinoe at the wedding was the -gette, 0f recent announcement istheb sanie engagement of Miss; Carmen Eu- )the doxia Ifernande:, <kÀghter of Senor Ath a and Senora Juto Hernandez of sweet Aquadilla, Puerto Rico, to Ralph Dined D. MancineUli, son of Mrs. $ugene iarson A. Mancjinell of 1010 Sheridan bride road, Wilinette. Marie Augdahli daughter ot Mr. and3 Mrs. A. Augdàbl of 909, Cherry, street, Winnetka, and Lamnar Sex- smitb, son of Mrs.' Lymnan Sexsmitb.. and the late Dr., Sexksmitb of, 848 Grove street, Glencoe. A reception at the Georgian botel will follow tbe ceremony. Miss Mari Koretz of Wilmette will be the bride's onlyý attendant. and the best muan is Cbarles .Lemon of Glencoe. The bride's brother. Me!- ville Augdahl, will be one of the ushers, the other being Ha r ry Treicbel of Glencoe. Guests at the wedding wifl. inèlude, an uncle and'aunit of tbe, bridegroom. M~fr. and Mrs. W. E. Atwell. and their daigbter, Charlotte, of Stevens Point, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Tbeo- dore Trubsbaw of Milwaukee, cous- Mr. and Mrs. Sexsmitb will post- pone their wedding trip until early sumnier andi will be at home tempo- rarily witb bis mother. Has, VaIentins Party .joann Wells, dauigter Mr. and rest ave- at Smith Club An unusual opportunity will corne to the Evanston-North Shore, Smith club, at its next m.teeting to be Iheld Wednesday, February 24, at 2:30 o'clock at ,the home of. Mrs. Clarence Bù'r- ley, 651 Prospect aveuWin-ý netka, when Miss Susan Glas- pel, noted. author andý play,- ,wright, wiIl be the sp eaker. Mrs. B3enjamiàn F. Harris of Winnet- ka and, Mrs. C. P. Gilson of Ev- anston the assisting host- esses. A ýnative of I0wa, Miss Qiaspeli. and ber wo rk are fÏamed botb in Europe and America. A graduate of Drake univérsity, post-graduate at the Tnivrsityof Chicago, she was first the State flouse an eiltv reporter on The, News and The Capital of Dles Moines, then became a writer of fiction and plays. With ber late husband, George Crani Cook, she was active in tbe organization and direction of' the Provincetown Players, one of the first of the "littie theatre" mnovements. She bas written many books and plays-among others "The Glory of tbe Conquered" "Sup- To Wod :n June and sweetheart roses were also worn by Mrs. Maynard whose gown and of hat were British tan. h a. Mr. Bosworth and bis bride are coi iakîng their borne temporarily on Ed Reba place in Evanston. en whI compî< the Theater project.iii w-hich she is nom, engaged ini Chicago, tbougb ber home is stili in Provincetown, She will tel of the work being donc over the country under the direction of Mrs. Hallie Flanagan, as well as of the Chicago activities in such recent pro- ductions as "Broken Dishes," "It Can't_1{appen Here," and "Oh Say, fornia at their D ing returned to' te home, nav- -te last week. f I the,,plant. tIseir