'4î Stan Jones of 833 Poxdale avenue, Winnotka; catured ti is grand scene dePiring Angel'sç Window, North Rim of the 'Grand Canyon, last july. Summer touris sWho toant ta '<see America first,>' ore scanning rWvel fiterature these day:, >rej'aratoryltQjourneys into the majestic and caléru nainal Parks of the great We;t. ýservice from New York and Bos- Visit West and South on ton to the. port of Cobh. The North Pacific company will 'begin serv- 14,OOO.MiIe Motor Trip icée !ôSouth ffi ica from Vanc ouvèr' Mr ad MrsL ranik W . COnire1hIf' which wilI continue until September 30. 610 Maple avenue returned te Wil- Wbile the nations of Europe vie for the mette last week after a six-months' tourist trade, the prograws scheduled absence during which they toôk a for the National Parks and America's l4,O00-mile motor trip to the West summer resorts will surpass ail previ- Coast. Mr. Church made business ous efforts in transit equipment, and cails at various towns and cities along ,j points of interest te be featured. The the way. o o bc* geological interest of Zion National They went out through Kansas toe*,m4 WestC' s Park is te be established in a museum Sacramiento, then ' motored up the o cnt , zone of 49,150 acres with other park coast te Vancouver for a visit. They A. ý%1 his 0601 wonders, nlot generally known, to be ex- went south again to Los Angeles, u*s qe1 ploited as an American vacation year. wli*re they stopped for, about sixbcs 9 travel is the rail transit plan forthe on~tetM~'n41r~C;ç Coronation, wlth many facilitÎes te bc started east, motoring through Ari- o extended throughout May. Over 150. zona, and making stops i Louisiana, ocel spécial trains will bc operated to Lon- Mississippi, and Alabama. They spent C I o. Dirdnoc sir. don froni Scotland, Ireland, North a week ini Magnolia Springs, Ala., Mic Engan ad als.Duliat batwith MLr. Church's niother, Mrs. Julia st~o O " <.S trains te all ports will operate on fast Church, and returned home by way A.k0S- schedule. In addition te docking in the of Lo0uisville. 0090 ¶n.?* bufW.. , m River Thames, where reservations for Mn ad rs Curh ereabe o LsM.ic pir riilgs av benetedei oget through the flooded area and re- rw approximately 30 luxurious liners froei pr httectzn. ons . '.*Xffl- ail nations, Southampton will also betc e aenae ra ro s nto o* i O used as 'a Coronation ship berth. Rail cîeranvupe md rand does ta 1.e/siIila traspotaton edctins ron 25towas lef t by the bigh waters. Mr. and ?I~'W"' 50 percent will be siecial tourist fea- Mrp. Frank Clrnrch, jr., have mo'ued ~4A turcs front France,.Italy and'Geata'yI, from in1ette 'ad have tke n a Po where a gala seasott of évents i en apaajnient at 7408 (Geenview avenue, notable attractions willJ contîinuete o________ cî'owd the full summer months. While t Muichîebwill head Germany's .vemnts' LA ETENSVE C &SE trcins opldxthteexliato alsBtler of Nw York City, of major tur*m4t , ounêti eae te il cae erury2, n ruse vigorus presentationsing mad b th WestIdicswest and nr41i -dot, t sa vier aon ~ws, nlng e 'tbto fica h 4e ?,atath, stlta, i4 n ofia 60,00 nricsand the visitdMipO ()4tIs % Naples, ç and a di tr trip on'Mthe ,dhmg 1936. foranboit se Fech Roii e and t*rca te son wih n efôr t strivactioliîweae awaycountry mom P is toWinent TrStburau Iain taeIn-streeT ESS MAR a t1 UvrAsi wia iwofMieanten cumse. to Ifhnthe WSoutia' tedpha Din et Theuile hmef19mTrese.n homeh atthe nititie odcereonieshel AS S. Sauaeue on Surtund rnkd. ay. ljr,92 wl