LUSSONS, ConveruafiOn Dietion Lirture. Auditorium BIdg.Studio or ai yoser home OIg. ussoKemil. 5215 The Mitefress Store URAUCWS SLUMBER 5140? pcueof rural lme in mis country oay. Tescene of the story is a great, sprawling farm in the Southwest, burned by tbe sun, ýwhipped by storms, and burdenied by debt, yet endlessly rmade fruitful by labor. Alniost immediately, we are muade to feel the recurring cycle of the seasons, the bot days, the slovr and beavy passage of time, and through tb at feeling of nature we corne to under- stand the basic emotions of the young farmer who is the central figure of thre story, and bis strong, peasant-like niother, remarkable for ber qualities, of courage. Into tbis scene Ire brings, a w'ife-a girl froru the nearby city, passionate, irresponsible, as emotionally unstable asr a cbild. The violent conflicts tbat arise ouit of lwr c<ominz are nrophetic of thel iamnazi who their les the farpi presrvatioli. A lire Tisdale IHobart v tis te author of "'Yang and Yin," thse best seller published by Bobbs-Merrill corn>any. The novel covers tise ex- periêeee fnduAmetito e cwi China, and lias bee#t called "'thre best ,nissionary noveZ t/rot has ever corne to rny atten&tion' The Boston Transcript wrote of thre and Glencoe News in the past, is reP- resented' in Arnericai& Voices by two selectins--The Mariposa Lily, and A Song. A Song was composed in [9M5 at Marblehead, Mass., and is as follows:. 1 slng of the mountains, 1I slng of the 8ea. A song fropi the heart, Light, gladsohie and free. The song 6f the mountains 1 sing to the heights; The song of the sea 1 si to the depths. Th1e sun on the mountains Makes shadown as bold AS though poured by hand From a p)otter's i4ould., Orbe sun on. thé sea le Ilke Jewels aflarne, SpiIled by a Craftsna- God. Is Mis name. The delicate flowers which inspired the writer to compose Theç Ivariposa Lily camne f rom Shawnee Peakc near Denver, Colorado, wbere tbey are con- sidered by the natives as a good luick omnen. The naine 'mariposa" ineans butterfly, the flower bas a religious as well as 'a good-4uck significance. Thre the hlgh places, trees, nest near you. howers refresh in the Magi Thre magazine and bi ew York forrns the y of God.ý Epraise 'OU. 7s contains mainly while authors wbose brougbt to the, at-, c.Last year, iii pre- express bis' they :asked ' eventst 1graphe thé'