ALL -OUT The preliminaries of the alI-sub- urban swinmingmeet to be, held. at New Trier natatorium will begin at,2 o'clock Saturday. afternoon. The finals will, be held in the evening. StartingR timie, 8 o'clock. New Trier, this year's league chamnpion,, is.,given a goodchance of, taking the ineet, Oak Park swim- mers undoubtedly presenting- the ýoughest o pposition. Holquist of that* school, state champ,. will have to be in top form to béat New Trier'à -Stan Jones -in the diving. Both .Henischel and .Buenger of New Tri er are in line -to cop. the 100 yard breast stroke. aggrcgations ever to represent the town- ship. Rockford higli was victimn of the Grey-Green tidai wave this timie by an overwhelining score of 51 to 24. ,Coach Edgar B. Jackson of the varsity led bis charges in a successfui drive for the Suburban league chanipionship, a drive which terminateil a week 'ago .1. New Trier's Finch, '64. ]Fres-hmàn.Sophomore Oak Park.............91 Newv Trier ..........7 1 Morton......... ........5m4 141ghland Park......45 Evanston..... ........... 3. 6 Waukea 36, Provisé ......9 Heavywýelght Bas- Tefam W>L kets Proviso 10 0 14Z Oak Park......7 3 116 Morton .......... 6 3 93 Waukegan*-.........4 5 73 Evanfston ............ 3 6 101, New Trier........*'. 2 6 73A Highland Park....... 9 5 Students Rehearse Ope. Pts. Pte. 195 181 154 181 169 240 196 201, 1 l75 .252 306 251 264. 193 !55 193 218 271 248 283 for Frosh-Soph Play ~Reeagals -re %Ve mder 'way for the freshman-sophotiore play 'to be presented March 5 and 6 by the New Trier Uigh school Dramatic club. The play ciosen for this production is "Wake up, Jonathan," by Hatcher Hughes and Elmer Rice. This play is a comredy in a prologue and three acts, portraying the refor- mation of a money-mad multi-million- air hnvb has lost sight of' bis responsi- v Vý. "mmJ~IIIu81Li.iraient show ilW W bU held at St. James - Parish Hall, 146 North avenue, Highwood, February 27, atý 7 o'clock. The tryouts will be con- ducted by Miss Neli Adams, director from Prairie Farmer-WLS Community Al Floridla i. at yoisr com~mand frons this > del*ghtful city "the Athens of Florida". You will lève a w.ek, a. mouith or a full season here. Truly "Tlh. winter homie for dascriuinat- Ing peopIe"-offeriug ihe bt i. rest or play-gof-iah-danc- S.asom, Dec.aibr 1to April 10 THKODORE C. BROOK% ~Mur.A themselves face4ot-face with a task that members ot tne casts bave iiau previ- dwarfs their previous wins-that is the ous experience in Dramatic club pro- job of conquering ail conipetitors in the ductions. annual Suburban league meet, which '"Wake up, Jonathan," was first pro- this year is to be held at .New Trier, duced at Henry Miller's theater in Saturday. ,New York in 1921. Mrs. Fiske was The seven schools of the loop wilI cast in the leading role, that of Marion splash it out at that tume, and it wiIl be Blake who accomplishes, with the aid six against one, for each tearn will be' of the "ilian Who lost" in the suit fer grcY by New nichs). q vioriaa to spend at Miami. I e«tFals i ýeRm«d