AVAILABLE NOXV FOR...RENTAL r0 oons, near 1l1ake. .......... $200.00 'roomsniemarlake ..ý..... ..... 150.00o 8rooms, West Evanston.. ý...... 11000 8 roonis. West Evanston 9 2.50 7roofls, West Evanston .... 80.0 0 2-6 roomi....... ............. 7.00 6 mols............1.... 65.00 5 moins ...... 60.00 NORTH WESTE RN REALTY à& BUILDING CO. Buldel's for- &ver 36 years ý516D 1 vis'St.Uni. 9500 516 avis97LTrN41-1te REPOSSESSED To be reconditiofled l"to 3% bath homne. $125 A MONTH. 6 bedrooms, dunroom, selr., pcb., oh H.1.W.' 1heat. Fine location in E. Wilmette. Owner plans to -oiend $2000 fixing thi; bouse up for May 1 occupancy. No sales clause. Fnest $125 rentai value. NORTH SHORE RE ALTV 523 Winnetkft Ave Winnetka 81 97LTN41-1te KÈenilworth-6 bdr 3 bth. Col. Brk. 100 f t. lot. Only............. -$250 Wnnetka-5 bdr. 3 bth. Col. Frame. Very' Ige. moins .............-.$150 Winnetka-10 rvms. 4 bths On lake. 011 heat. Trennis court........ $225 905 ELDC' Col., avý long Ise.. Ira -. each. JR1EALTY CO. ST. WINNETKA 254 9 7LTN4I-lte PER MONTH 0. WINNETKA ;BRC le now or *May lst, on dr., 3 b., 2 pcb., oil, att. t cal REAL. ESTATE BE.AUTIFt1L 8 ROOM 011 lit., tt. cr eun. au almo b. hw able now or 14y. lot. 97LrN4-ltp 8,ý ROOM HOUSE, Z2>BATHS, 0114 heat, double car garage. East side. Near transportation., Wiimette, 2759 or WilmÏette 3. DSLTN41-3tp WA1,TED TO RENTr-HOUSES, LIST YOUR HOME WITH who have a numlber of clients desiring furnished or unfurnlshed homes on >the North Shore.' Visit or phone one of these 3 convenièlit local offices. EVANSTON-522 ]Davis, St., Greenfleaf 1855 Hollycourt 18 55 1WINNETKA-790 Eim Ot.. 'W'inetks. 2700 Briargate 1855 HIGHLAND PARK-5S.S St. Johns Highlanid Park 1855 Do YOU WANT TO SELL OR rent your bouse this spriug? List your biouse wlth us. W. have many clients for purchase or rentai. INTELLIGENT COURTEOIUS SERVICE FREDERICK A. COOPE~R 1505 Chicago Ave. Gre. 3030 99LTN4I-1t<- q9LTN4 1-ite NNE HAVE MANY RESPONSIBLE tenants lookiug tb rent good homes. List your bouse wlth us at once., FULLER & PICKARD, 407 Linden Ave. WVilmette 437î 99LTN41-ltc PRIVATE PARTY HERE FROM NEWv York wants small hse. 3 or 4 bcd- rnis., up to $90. Can move at once or May lst. Cali Mrs. Kemap, WiL437. ,Min in your mind, after YOU seu, u"nuse as to the value offered. 1%h acres in- ciudlng a ravine. fl ricëk and etucco,, 014 Knglish design. Substantial conl- struction. 5 bedroomis, dressing ýroom, 3 batls, ample storage. space. House- man's quarter94 $40,000. Near lake. ýK enilworth- Owner refuses ýto rept-anxiouS bis brick home- 7 years old. bedirooms. Tile -bat, shower. to sel 4good1 $ 14,000; Evaniston New 7-room Early -Amierican hougèe, attached garage, 2%k baths. Large wood- cd lot. Near schools and "."$16,000. Sunset RidgeSection Here Is a new 6 room brick bhouse whicl eau be purchased for $9000 ou easyl terms. Gas1 and electricity are in. Beý arnong the first to live in this, ideai spot. HAE Wiiiaetka HVYOU SEEN THIS HOUSi .? It -is Iocated in an exclusive part o.f the village. 4 well arranged and nice sized bedroomis. 2 tile baths. Lairge screened porch. Lot 100x160. $C1,500. A SMAÀLL REMODELING i-,XPlý.NSI, wiii make a livable, attracti'e homne for very littie rnrer ground value. Southeast section.. 61 rooms. $9.000. \Vilimette k. 2 cheery rlors. usual- OUTSTANDING BARGAINS Winnetka 6 roonis - Attractive Englisb white shingle. Modern, H. W. beat, oil. (Ca- rage. 50-ft lot. Avaîlabie May Ist. Ea-y terms. $12,000. INear .1 2 IEim Il large roo e e A gn t 877 111LTN41-ltPj want offer. vW. m agl. .Winnetka 2700 Birae15 KENILWORT*H BEAUTIFUL COLON4IAL -. ONE OP' our outstanidilg bargains with 7 spacëi- ous roomns,,3 baths. Wili make y(m aL wonderfil honie, plus iv5mlt r Cunningham, Gre. 1855. Hl.1855.1 INNEK THERES REAL PE-RSO-.NAýiry.IN this Indian Hill section modem Eng- liib homie: s roonis, :3 battis; dlep woQded lot. out-6f-toWfl owvner a uxtO s, to seil. C'all Mrs. Fleming. VOU' LL REALLY LIKE THIS LOVELY - English cottage type: brick cntrc tion ; well-!nsulated ; ,7 roomn, 2/1-,tule bath houle. Garage; oji-fire' boiler. Pair rice-'low upkeep)-well-fil&iilUed. 1495 Edigewood Lane. ('ail Miss, Cronk for appointi"let ATTRACTIE BICKE:COLONIAL OU' 6 roms 2%bath, with 75 ft. lot. On wooded street near lake and ail sehîs. $un and breakfas~t roonis;. oit hieat. $18,000. In beaiutiful ea st Winiietka. Act today. Cati Mr. B. Smith. MOST EXCELLENT LOCATION-AT- tractive 7. rooin home on large lot 4 bedrooms; screened porch. 2-car' *garage; real buy. See ."%. lover. Winnetka 2700 Briargate 1855 A REAL, HOM'%E FOR THE MAN 0F family. 8 spacious rooms, 21h baths; iibrary; 2-car garage; side drive; 3 fireplaces; H. W. otl heat; in S. E. Winnetka near scbools and transporta- tion. There's real value bere. Mrs. Didrik<seii. Greeffleaf. 1855 l-ollycourt Th55 W. i. Johson, Gre. 1855, Ho01. 1855. H-IGHLAND PARK SALE IMPERATIVE ON THIS CO- lonial brick residence 1,u Bannock- burn. 10 rooms; 5 bedrooms;, 3 col- ored tie baths; studio; solarium; large wooded grounds;. pool. Here's a real value. See Mr. Rinik. SECLUDED YET CONVENTENT IS this quaMiy construction brick resi- î l7 K 10 i'ns...4 bhdrrnms, l 111LTN41-lte.