A CHOICE EASTLCTIO Over 100.-ft. frontage, 5 bed- rnis., 2 baths, o01 ht., close to transp. and schools, gpring's best'buy at $14.500. Mr..Voss. RDBRICK-. COLONIAL In niew section, unusually well- bui-it-3 bedrms., .2 tile bas.. ex. lIav. also .niaid's, rm oil lit.* 2-car gar*.,$13,500,. Better liurry. SQUTH LOCATION Near la.ke, moder'n brick, slate- roof, copper gutters, 4 bdris., 2 tu bas, e. Ia., -car'br.k. gar., olif ht. Canvas wvalls. If fine construction is required then see ti È>f.Pricud( at $21,500. 11r. Lott. THE BILLVS RFE4A 1 1 INC. 599 D)AVIS ST.. EVAXWi'ON 52,' E'ssex (<a-F of e-harni and Ver'y lival)le. Whitte franie Colonial on large, -wooded lot lOOxl7-,-. 6 bedrs., *1 b., 2 pechs., pan(l rerea.r.-ny $27,500! 267 llidge Ave., Niod,, home on beauti- fully landscaped lot in excellent loca- t ion. 4 vna ,.tp, hers., 2 b., servants <7onV. to grade, high sch'l. and trans. Priced to sft1. E .,E. S,'TUES. INC. 460 Winnetka Aveè. Winnetka 1800 111LT4-ltc SI E. WINNETKA-ý MODERN.A.Ni)-COMPLETELY RE- dc(orted i. ,Bungalow lu inS. E.ý 'Winn. Conveniient to al .sehools, and towns. 3à hrnis., 1 bath, Sun slipg. POIS., H. W. heat, gar.. $8,500. Mr. Thatcher. MOD..6 RMr. UTCli (.OLONIAL NEAR schoolIs and transportation, IlI. W. o11 heat, 1-Cftr, gar-. Priced rlght at $9.000 with easy ternis. Mur. Enchelmnayer. COL. HOME WITH, REAL ('IARML. '5 bri 2 bat hs. in opuar$13,750 in ppulasettion o! Winni. ýMany speclal features include suit vn., slpg. .pch., den, fireplace ln master b)drnti, oil heat, incinerator and 'attached ga- rage and nlcely laiidscaped grounds EXCLUSIVE AGENTS E. SAWYER 7_)5 Eujj St., Witinetka HUBBARD THIS erni Ph. Win. 3500 111LTN41-1tc WOODS T LY BUILT M( 1571 È Evansl NLAN & 'TYSON, hic. Slierman Ave. Uinv. 2600 ;ton, 14. WiI. 2606 11.LTN40-3tc WHY PAY RENT? ? WHE lN YOU CAN MOVE.TO, Drfed where $60.0O a month pîays principal, interest, txs insuranceé and, fuel for a 5 rooni brick bungalow that oest over 814,000. Nea*- school, st r)res and depot. Lot 50xl 70. 2-car garage. P-riced to seli. A6. rooni brick. îand 'd rooni frame house are. also available at correspond- ing pa> mente. McGUIRE & ORR, l'n. EXCLUSIVE-AGENTS Ove-tr 43 Years of Dependable Service ln North Shore Real E-state Gre. 1080 flog. Pk. 3213 Wil. 228 5:30 D-AVISST. EVAN SJO N li1LTN41-1tc SELECTION BWST VALUES. N*ery- reasoniable down paynient, balances (mnostly H. O. L. C. loans> less than rent. 8 rnis., 2 bs., oil, 2 c. g ........... $15,000 7 rnis., 2 bs., oil, 1 c. g.....:...... 13,500 i rms. i1b, oil lot 75x157 ft; excel- lentdoc. Many special features . 13,250 7 rins., 21/i bs., oil, 2 c. g.... .... 13,000 8 rnis., 2 bs., exceL, const., 2 c. g.-- 11,500 6 rnis., 1lb., slp. pch., east, 1 c. g.. 10,500 6i rrns.5, 1b., slp. peh;, oi, east ..... 9,500 7 rins.. 1 b.,.H. A. H.. 2 e. gw....... 9,000 End of "L," Wflmette Wilniette 1644 l ILTN41-ltc AN,£EMBLEM 0 SJJCCESS TlO OWN A HOME SUCH AS this-a symbol of, a way of living - tthat reaches abovre the iere necessities. of lite large grounds for cilîdren to romp over - and: for breadth. of view,-- a miniature eèstate. in Indian Hill - Georgian Col- onial home - With large clever-. ly . arranged roonis - 4 bed- roonis - 2%! baths, 2-car gar-, age, = yours for $20,000. HEIL & HEIL OPEN EVENINGS, AND SU NDAYS .1322 Chicago.Ave. Davis 1819 111LTN41-1tme MIOVE RIGHT IN SIX ROOM COLONIAL HOME~ *h1eat, 2-car gar. on fine wooded lot. Conv. to transp. in an excel- lent neighborhood in S. E.. Wil- mette. This well-built, home lias always been beautifully cared for. A good buy at $11,500. QUINLAN & 'TYSON, Inc. Uni. 2600 WIl. 2602 111LTN41-1te X *.- A " - AI- -" 50 Washington,. Owner-bujilt 14,g119 Brick in A-i condition at .1 sacrifice price. 5 bedr., 3 1)., tiled hall and sun.- rni., library, oul. SEARS REAL, ESTATE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 421 Riechmond Road Kenilwurth 5288 I1L1TN41-ltC! ENGLISH BRICK ON 'h ACRE Seclude'à, yet close to Hubbard Woods able breakfast porcn. Near lake &.utIy 5 min. walk to ail trains. In ail this bomne 15 a welI .cor-related plan and when you.i sce it you wýill sa>- it i,- a real bargain at only $13,500.00 WITZEBEXREAITY 562 Gr-een Bay Road K,:enilworth .5540 11L1TN4l-1te OUR -tBiEST SLCIN BUtNGýAlOW TYPE- 3 bedrins. Fur- B. H.BARNETT 526 Ceniter Street Winnetka 965 1î1LTN41-1tc- FRENCH PROVINCIA14 LJ.NJJJ!<JXK Milht exchange for smaller home. $25,OOO clear two-flat or McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. SEXCLUSIVE AGENTS 530 Davis St.., Evanston. Gre. 1080 lIlLTN4i-ltc Fuller & Wm. Pickard n St. Winetka Lka 3603 JUulveraity 7444 1West J acla 9,Chicago, ïpo -ltp or