classes~. Ia. îi.-Second service. 8 1). ni.- Monthly Sunday' eNening *sérvice. 8 P. ni.. Wednesday-Lentenl service. Social circle, today,l 1 p. ni., with Mrs. George Peterýson, 1334 Maple avenueý. * FrendhipcIr1e~Friay.8 1p.tni., with Mrs. E. E.* Meyer, 605 Ridge aventu e, Evanston. Senior Wlther .league. Friday, 8 p. in. fartha Guild, next. Thurçsday, 3 1). ni. Tii the Sunday, morning services the serles ofserynons on the l'en Coiniand- nients wili becontinued with Exodus 20 :15: "Thou shait flot steal.", Can yotu thifik of >another.virtue more n eedful, to- day for the conîmon wlfare than that of honesty?9 In the evening the order of. service will Include the following:, Prelude-Andante.........Beethoven Anthem-"Jesus, SavioiV, Lor-d>of Llght" .............Glbert Offetor--"Evening Song" Schumiannl TIhe 8e.on-T.he Sioo of the Cross-. . ...... * " -Matthew 15 :21-2S Postlude -#Our Father in ]Heaen"t' ....... ...............ach This evening at 8 o'clock an eight-reel film, "Martin Luther: "His Life and Thne," will be shown in the Sunday school rooni, sponsored by the Martha Gulld. T1he proceeds will be plaeed in the Flood, Relief fund. *On Wednesday. evening, at 8 o'clock, the t*hird 1,eten service will lMe hpld., Schacht. Dickens avenue, Winnetka, at Thle :Second division %vilI meet on1 Thursday, February 25, at the home o! Mrs. Staver Moulding, 730 Elmiwood avenue. Lunicheofi will ho served. Co- hosteses-mesdames Gëôeorg Ambuhi and John Ca pbeIll The Fifth division Il i nîeet on TÉhurs- day,* February -25, at the home of Mrs. Pauil A. Nichol, 522 Central av'enue. 'Phere will be sewjng at 10 :30, o'clock. Luncheon wili be served. A Bake sale is being sponsored by, the 'Phird, division on each Saturday.ý of Feb- ruary.- These' are being held at the National, Tea store, 1105 Central ave- nue. llie ririendly circle will holdits month- Wy meeting Tuesday evening, February 23, at 8 o'clock in the Womnan's roomi. Thle Girl Scout Leaders' association. wivl ineeèt T1edaýV1vélne, Pbtlary 23,' at 7:30 o'cloek In the Girl Scout rooni. The Chorus choir meets foi' rehearsal Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In the Junior rooni, under the direction o! Miss Marie Briel.. It Is Important that every mnember be present and on time at. each~ rehearsal between now and Easter. The Scout troops for boys and girls, sponsored by this church,, meet as fol- lows. Girl' Scout Troop 1-Thursdays at follows: Preluide-Elevation ...........Rousseaul Antbem-"O. For a Closer Walk With God"....................Ftr Offertoire.Duet-"ýPower Eternal" f rorn Stabat, Mater..........Rossini Mrs. Edwards, Mrs.. Wishover, Postîtde-Toccata ..:...........-Rogers Miss Emily Roberts, organist director, Kappa Pi Phi's newly elected officers ire. as, President. Jack Randall -vce-pres- ident, Mary Macalister;, secretary, George P>Utnam:. treasurer, Edith Men- du;refrehmetch-man, Barbara lu rge 'ecr e tn chaîm a n, Don BD urge; membrsh p hairm an,-_1GeoîgePutna in drama chairman, Jack Chronic ; PlIgrini fellowshlp representative. Shirley Hause- man. F. Manthel, 'a student fromn the Ch!- cago Theological Sen'inary, 'wil1 be the speaker at the 5:30 meeting nexct Sun- day evenîng. A social hour with re- freshments will .follow the regular meet- Th orth Eind 'icle 'wflli ieet 'Mon- day, February 22, at the home of Mrs. J. W. Aider, 931 Greeflwood avenue. Luncheon wi'fl b. served at 12:30. The assisting hostesses wlll be Mrs. A. M. Anderson, Mrs. B. Il. Owens and Mrs. E. Pohîman.. The East End circle will 'm-eet at the. home o! Mrs. Garrett Johnston, M 2 Maple avenue, Monday, February 22. The assisting hostesses will bc Mrs, Margaret Taylor and Mî's. G. D. Upson. Thursdayý is the February Parish. din- net- and fellowshilp. 6 :30 'p.m.-Dinner thenîonifg hurch service. Ouri rgular .annéunCeflients. are as-fol lows: Boy Scou t Troop No. 1. Tuesdayaît 7 :30 vp.m. Boy Scout Troop No. 2, Wednesday at 7 :30 pan, Brownies. WMednesdaY àt 3 -:30,».mu. Gis' choir 'rehearsal, Thursday at 3 :30 palm. Senior choir rehe rsal, -.huis( Yayit 7:15 p.m. KenilwOrth Unio n Dir. Herbert J- Willett, minister Tn accordance with the customi of the twoý churches of KeniliWorth to unite in %worshii> twlue during the season', this congregation %vlll visit the Church, of the Holy Coniforter 'on Feb)ruary ,21, and The ~Wom~en's gui ldwineet D-donday morning, Kebruary 22, at 10 o'clock. The' work of the guild is for the beneflt-- of good causes ini whicli the women of lCenilworth are inteî'ested. Al wonien of Kenilworth îlot otherwise ùngaged on Mondays are ivited to shaire in this good work. The Sunday school wili l eet . at.9 :45. Tlhere are classes for children between the ages of the kindergarten and the fligh school. Visitors are weh-one. The Rev. Amos Thornburg, niinister 7 Next Sunday is the second Sunday in Lent. 'Phe mînister wlll be in the pulpit at the il o'clock 'worship hour 'and willl bring a message In keeping with the season. The m-usic for the service will b. as follows: Organ (10 :45): "The Walk to Jeru- saleni...... ........... Bach-Grlswolà -Lamentation".............Gimn 'N A ., . . 1 English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf "A House o! Worship" The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor urSINDAY SERVICES iuc chool ..........9:45 a.r orning worship ....Ala inior Luther league .....ý. .j keen Hiighschoolers in their enterl)rise. woship with us. PLAY PARTICIPANTS The musical prograni prepared by "The Curtaini," by lallie. Flanagan . Miss Erini Rounds, director, willi be Phulip Norton .. ......... Jack Randaîl as' foliows: prelude, "Nocturne" (Opus R~uth, his daughte . .. Edith Mendun 23, No. 4) Sch'unmann ; anthein, "Bles S-ade, the gir'l across the hall. .... .... Our ,Land," Cherubini; solo, "Land of ...Mary 'Macalister Hope and Giory," Elgar, EdwardOtis;. Lestrande, au officer o! the 'New York postlude, -Liberty March," Frysinger; Police ................ Dale Chronlc - Policeman ......... .... -Norman Fifer The Sunday sclioo.l neets inu ah de- "Thle Lr' Prayer" .....-_....partments at 9 :30 oWlock. by Francois Coppee Mriadeiioi selle Rose ,.Virgiffia Goodrich The Adult Bible class meets~ at 10 Wednesday L1venIng, vveinviie t,,Rte ak<iKg -is Guidance." ""ti LV1'.Xxi..ull *..iat. luy lendld and wefl at- tiiese fine mneetings. . March 7-"Managing Our 'Ovel,-tefl5e ington avenue, ati ocokN.1- 1had. Next Wedines-' wt1 MsoFan'Wlln,' 100.Ramn aay 24, Dr. }Harris 'The Confirmation clasýs will meet on Lives." Fait's eav *ad Fra 30nch. en NewlyRaonaf Garrett Biblical Iii-'r ?tisday afternoon at 4 o'elock. ' March 14-"vrcoming FIzed Spoke No. f o r y:0 uhon Nwlyoen I will raise the follow- Obstacles." zdSoeN.1fryugwmn il ho are we-What are MID-WEIK LENTEN SERVICE, March 21-"Crowninfg the Riglit King." neet with Mrs. Maurice Sunderland, '727 -What are our Cliris- Wednesday evenlng at 8 o'clock. (Palm Suindaiy.) Elmwood avenue, for, 2 o'clock tea. The are our aecomplish- March 28--Liviig Eternally-." (Easter special speaker will be Mrs. James B3. H. West wifl preside. Attend church every 'Wednesday eve- Siinday.) ' Allen. ut 6*30 o'ciock and ning and every Sunday »iorning during 'h ls ftesre fLne ev h etCuciNgtwl .hl from 7:30 to 8 :3OýTefis f h ev T' et hrh,ýjhtwl b i unnor la-, e e progr . pe