yWILMETTE 9flacâCONFECTIONERY Just W'est of Bank> Read the Want Ads No i;ee mart Woman.. Ever wears the same old Hairdress.. contemplated improvement of iuss lake front park to provide a 'location fôr the Sheridan Shore Yacht club. The Park board expected WPA' funds-for this project to.,include* re- habilitation of the niow practically, useless harbor, but at no tinie 'did the engineerin g plans include any refc- erence whatsover to a club house. lo- cation. The Sheridan. Shore Yacht1 club' i. a private organization and as such -asks. no imunlicipal favors-it will, lease or buy private property for a niew homie. During the 1936 season \Vilmette Harbor offered very, inadequate 1 ac- comminodatiolis to 163. registered boats and 39 sinaller craft-,a total of 202. This fleet lias. a total footage of 3,640 feet. relresenitS an investmnent of approximiately $325,000, and. cii- -abes -n't ess~- tian 1,500Q. clivicluis. per .Nveek to enjoy lte benefits of 'outdoo'r. watcr recreation.' 0f these 202 boats oîily, 40 belong to mnembers ' of die Sheridan Shore Yacht club, conclusivelv' iidicating compl.ete 'ah- sence of any monopolistic interests. cAz-s far as this large group of cit; izeS is conccrned, the adjacent p ark contributes nothing to the facili- Stics of the harbor. I-lwever, the ý P-- LPrd s uingeverv nieans 40 sess one iess attratLionioi prospective, home owners. Cordially yours, Sheridan Shore Yacht Club, Arthur WV. Fr iskey, Jr., Commodore. DOUBLE FEATURES February 13, 1937 Editor, WI.i'lt Liâz Will the theaters ,o f Wîlnîette ever have a "double feature"ý policy?ý, Vin just, selfi'sh enough to hope that they' will, and soon. Having jus't returned f rom Detroit, wherealil the theaters are1 coinsîst- ently and generously Éshowing two desirable full-length features cvery night, l'in sireé that such a policy is possibleand, to thie manageýnielit. profitable. If possible thiere.. why1 hot here~ Su reTy -'the Ée der f Wx l'ýi, bw wouid be interested to kno-w the ob- jections-if any-in taking te step ,alreadSr made hy other progressive commtinities. Theo Thomipson, JOEDI ECESSARO Minineapolis. Mill". Februarv 12, 1937 Prescrit Principles for iniclusion in'the platform 'will 'have o pportuilitY so to do. Or, if inconvenient to attenld the mleetinig, suggestionis may be presenit- ed by comnniicatitig with M'.Nrs. Rye, by letter or..telephone.. Thé ,imiber, is Wilnette 1459. li addition to Mrs. Rye the coin- înittee conisists of the followiiig -Mrs. Lew'is B.' Ermnelinig, 1305, Greeniwood a venue; Ralph NV. Fauipel, 719 Tenth Street; BerniardL. culy 720 A sli- land, avenue; Phillip R. Mý,elanigtonl. 606 Lake avenilue; Mrs. Carl,.A. Peter- Soli. 144 Mapl11e aveniue;lElier1D.. Becker, 519 Linideni avenue; Howard miller. '1001 Greenileaf avenupe; Nrs. Freelanid G. Stecker, 258 Wood, court; Hugli J. WVelter, 225 Fifteetith street; L.E. Matsoni, 616 Fifteenith street:; L. J., Thaliniu, 2323 Lake avenue.c anid Mlrs. Henry'W.1) ruckèr, 1125ý NIohalvk, road. Address Epworth League, Frederick Kahler, dean of boy, at Newv Trier High school, will addresIý the inenîbers of the Wilinett'e PariSh, Methlodist church Epworth leagule at their meceting Sunday eveîiing, speak- ing on the suIject, "Seeinig." For thu recreatioflal prograin, some excîtîflg newv gantes %vill be introduced b' George Riggan,' sponsor of. the group. advise yOu. - phone WiImfte 79 a i.lg unCds. 1 Lu1 aof thisuharbor MGlnIcoe boy \-set' ailexample of Ma"- yp AbIanldonlnenlt o ' Ilror1 hood that. stands -as ail inspiration. ýy substantial and responlsîble people 'Will NVJieni 'a group of 'fellows Pal d turnl it intô a second and equll - arotind, through graxtnnar school and fensive "N",o-Mfai's 1,anid-tihousainds. higit school., working together and _____________________________ playing together, il' the unleashied- MOI 30 PLATE LUNCHES enthilsiasrn 6f youth. t.heY' get to short Orders know each other fairly well. The DôublemRich Mal 1ted MiIks 15Sc weak traits' of character 'w1'1kih' - - i grown-upîs cari hide s50 suçcessfullyý giv'en l;y the Wilrnette group la>î, Su.nday evýenin g, especiallv the ' part of the prograin devoted to comincii- oration of Lincoln's, birthidav. ON LEAVE Miss Elizabeth Fitch, ,%,Iio lha,; been stationed at the Post '.hospital at Fort Riley, Kas., arrived iii \\Il- mette last vveek for a vi sit. .ith ir as' absolutely n blic schools ý ab( Staughit in hood? ing at that Joee did.-R. T.1 Paynter.' t TEE rTXNP TREK DINQ OOM man-.1 ý 1