mletteê' junior imemnber, Amnericani Legion Auxiliary, will give a read- ll.îig. The principal speakers, both of whion have enviable re'putations as, platforin orators, ai-e Ferre C. Wat- kspast c ormmander American Le- gion, l)epartinenit.of.1Ilinois, and NIrs, W; Glenni Suthers, national executive coininittee\ onian, -Am-ericai ,Legioil Auxiliar'. 'The coniflete program is as folloN7vs: Dept. of 1ilinois.: 'j1eselita tion of Flag-Amnerkan Legýin Auxîliar'y, Ahierican Legion, R.O.T.C. Unit Nicholas Senn Hligh Sehool. ."Pledge tc, the' Flang" 1I1voeation -Stai, Spangled Bne" Asml ber, Aniericani Legîc>n Auxiliarv. hlis son) by Stafford King, Post Coml- mander, Departinent of-M-iînn. Anier- 'eail Legion. MvIr Ferre C. watkins-past Departiwîîet C~ommîander, Amierican Legimn, Dept. Sioo........Mî'. Irving Ileîing AnîricTheBeautiful" IltO.T.C-. Unit-Nicholas Senn Jfigh Scho<l, Sergeant George L. Srýar-le, l'ialo.....Mrs. R. Wallace Mitchell" 1707 Lake avenue, Wilinette. -Finandffia" by. sibellous. x1rs-W. fGlenn ,ithers-~N.itim)ijri. x r Uiiuqurt ~iîtg~ Llashmeoe Mou quet &ilet*.ap Bernie Photo Hector Dodds, 720 Prairie ave- nue, chairman ofthe court of hoitor comrnmittee oôf-Uic Wibnelte district of the - Boy Scouts, who presided at the court of hou or held Iast Pri-. day e-zj'yng hen uounv awards wlere .mae Coach Waldorf Awaits Grid Spring Training Coachi Lynn WNaldorf of WVilmette, recently returned fromn an extended visit ini California, is niarkiig finie until warin weather wvil permit him. to cali out the Northwestern football squad for spring training. The WVild-ý LUX TOILET Woodibury's LIFEDUOX SOAF. SOAP SOAP 7c 73Ç 1. FREE! Giant Size 33e I 6 ýfor5O FREEZ palmolive Shave Creum 37e i Calox Toh Powder M iNoîina RBei-g, Di)îtîrJ t Iirei loi, . ALUMNI SECRETARY John V, Dodge bias been appointed genieral secretary of the Northwestern unicrstyAlunnnii association, it was anounced this week. by the board of di- rectors of the association. Mr. Dodge, a graduate_-of the class of 1930, suc- cccds Robert E. Day vvho lias been ap- no intedc directoir of fnacenent for the ï to replace thie large assortmneît regulars who will graduate in j3w Fourteen out of 28 lettermena slated for graduation this spring. PI KAPPA ALPHA ELECTS Gamima Rho chapter of Pi Kaji 200 Tablets 69c Free ema Soap Montlair Quality Sdock ne 2 for 55C Hershey> Kisses Higlu Vitamin Content pt..59e SW. am as ma at Prit.d as Ow as 1the. mar"it wiII àllow. Stocék. uap ow 1 41 4E 'M 4M 4M 411 6 bars 50c- 'o.73c Talcums