Oxy-AcetyI*ee amd EI.clvlc Arc Equlpint Rédictor Repoal HUCK'S WELDING SERVICE 2664 Greem ly oy .d uNIveiRSniTT7100 EVANSTON That Piccadilly Circus iii the heart of Londos-thtis asd scores of other Çcette of the uvrld met ropolis zvili be viewved this Stinday evening whe>& Bra>s"» DeCou, renowited Iectu«-rr, prèsents his illustrated lectutre onl "Londoo» Toda y'> auth New Trier Sunday fvemJn club. ùe t41w iih. ssch çol, a«uditoriu.m.. Ne Trier Nurses Meet Thre]Local People in Glencoe on Tuesday Enrolled at N. U. M- T.X 'r T.'I~~aIihi Nrssllr&d'- 'rl...l..4...t.,., ,rm fl1mtte )r the second seniester of 1year. They are: ee Henderson, daughter of tneïr revivai oi Under the direction of. Nancy Per- shall the mo si outstanding cast in Threshold history, will give north shore theater-goers a true picture of this'era of. the Anierican, Theatre. Each and-every1 meniber of the cast is a 'heaciliner in, north, shore drama- tics. Recruited f romi every town on the north shore, Evanston to Lake Forest, the castgives us.such names_ at. Natalie Weber. well remembered for her Roxanne in, "Cyrranlo de Ber- gerac." J.ý Lincoln Gibson and James. \ýVitherell 'of Theatree Ouild famne,. Hope Summ ers, joseph Shippeni and a: host of others. Play Faahfulin erdced "We are nd.eavoriàlg"states Jame s K. Martin_ president of the tires- hold Players, "to make, this .eveninig a coniplete replica in every detail of one of the earliest presentations. of '1East Lynnie.". We have a dirçc- tor and a cast who kn ow their, busi-. ness. We havie made a care ful study' of ail histôrical data available that wiIl enable us. to carry out the truc atmosphere of this grand old classic." .Here is an evening that should dc- light those whose memory can carr y them back to those interesting times. For the .younger tnembers of the audience it wil1 afford a vivid pic- ture of that particular era of the Amierican draina. forum gave te es irrdiuss Sixth street. She is registered in and guests an intrsigdsuso the graduate school.' She is a gradu- on the two talks. ate' of Nicholas' Senn lligh school,t The Wilmette nurses. Mrs. Inez C. Chicago, and formerly attended the1 Bliss and' Miss Ruth Hanson, gave American College of Physical Edu- thrilling accounts of their recent ex- cation, and the Northern Illinois periences in the flood region, where State Teachers college. theydid ed rossnursng.Rosamond W. Fischer, 846 Park - avenue, a student in the graduiate Thomas Wigglesworth of Cleve- school, formerly attended Cornel 1.nA nme, n rhicago Monday on un:versit)v. Ithaca, N. Y. planned that wiIl help to make these gala nights 'more entertaining, but, then. that would be 'breaking a con- fidenice. We'11 'let -you , find out for yourself. LEAVE FOR SOUTH Mýiss Barbara Oleson, 420 Wood- stock avenue. Kenilworth, her sister, Mrs. E. Gordon Linke of 752 'Sunset rn2ad Wimietka,' and Mrs. Linke's CO»LIALLY S.i YN~i teIo side 1. wnose home is: 'Morteý just out-, e. Consuit Jayne L, Tisen See Us ... Boulevard Drua Store,