Lehie Photo. Gerard Boyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Heary G. Boyle, 1249 Ma pie aVenue, celebroled hus ninth birthday, Febru'ory 22 (Washingtoii's biirthda y), 2cith ani ai térnoon >arty at his home for ninie of his friends. The decoratio>ns 'were. Washington fwvors in red, white and bine. The Boyle fatnily Pnovedl to Wil- mette about six mont k: ago froin Long Island,, N. Y. Gerard. attends St. Francis schooi, and has hvo brothers, H-enry G., J., <d Robert A. Boyle, students at New Trier High school. pic tured above: ext reine1é lef t-Richard Ebbert; left to riqht oni far side of tabie-BiIly O'Coninell, Williath Mc- Michaels. Mitchell Japie, Victor Golly3er. Gerard Boyle: kear sie Of table- Robet Hiks, ack bbert, ad ilY Benneir., LOGA N-HO WA RD jT pe Collision; P. T.A. he Drivers Held ______________________1__A___hree-way automobile accident h Century Singers in which ail the cars were so badIN ostumed in the elaborate-ly colorful damaged that it vvas necesssarv to vus of the days when Mme. DuBarr tow them to a garage. took place ai ed France. and wearing dignified Lake avenue and Skokie boulevard at 12:30 a. ni. Saturdav. As sembiv and instruction to ail en- trants wiil be at 3 o'clock for four contemplated events over a triangular course,.'A handicap event for s'ails 30 to 55, or 60 square feet,, will: be foilowed by separate events.unhandi- capped for, each ,ciass. The, fourth event will be foi junioôr-, and ssaller amateur sails., There wîll be ample oppjortuuity for those not, equiipped with mails to enjoy the ice skatinLv during, the regatta. The, events are opei to residents of ail the north shore vil- lages and there are no entrance fees. Peter 1, Johianson of Indian Hill. in charnte of the_ regatta,1 announced that, ini the event oC. another post- Ponlement on' Saturday-..anl attempt wvill be miade to hold it on. stndav afternoon. Co-Operative Group to HoId Wilmette Meeting 1North Shore residents this week S1were ivvited to a meeting, on the toffic of consumers' cooperative so- cieties. to bc held. at the' itmette tvillage hall this Fridav ücve11iîw at 9 Spealoker. it was announced. are to bc~ C.R.P T4ze, executive .;ecretarv Mr. Collison formerIy of culiIs.s moIors is sow associated Ail ,panied by Miss JErma Round muade iup of four of her artist Mary O'Leary and Leota H6 pranos), Ethel Swindeile ar Radoif (contraltos). Miss E a fine leader and excellent acç and has a wide knowledge oft a 1fl Iboa.., J.r-tlyll j....- :coni- Wis., about 150 feet behind the iiiittee in charge. fld is Brown car. Allyn stated that he sa dents, the Brown car wobble in the roa Noted Photographer to (so-. ani then collide with the lDaiiy car. EhbtPcue a.1 SallY The Allyn car then struck thé r~n Cye Brown. 70Wlu vne ids is car, and al verè brought to a stop. CveBon170Wluaeu, panst Daily. Xilniette, wi11 have an exhibit ofonc repe- Dalywhô was seriousiy nured, hutndred of his photographis at the epe wa tkentohishom b J.D.Scott iext metng of the North Shoe Art ir house Ens. Di C. retuTfled the week - 1I . . Th e Pre.-school circle will aneet, tion ofn Tuesday eveningi March 9, at 8 o'clockc, raphy of from, Fraceg Sirn'nr clUiolas week-end. over the Washingtoii'P birthday vacation.- She is the daugh- ter. of . ndMrs. Thomas M. Mints of 50 Crescent place. S..auty *o 521 Park Dr. ~JKenSh@p53 ,y Our Deliclous Ch.op Suey. qt. 40c TO TAXE ROXER lTAÀ1I-L E E Y Ec y