Last Rites Are HeId for Mother'of Wilmette Mtiiî Funeral services for, Mrs. Goldie Balaban Levin, mother of David- Balaban, 632 Forest averiùe, Wil- metwbo passed away last week, were beld 'on Tuesday afternoofl in Chicago, -with intermnt at Waldheinm cemetery. Besides ber.son David sbe is survived by ber husband, Max Levin, and by her sons, Barney, A. J., Johnl, Hirry, and Orner Balaban. BITTEN. BY Don' Police received a report, Wednes- day of last week that Riva Gabrial, 931 Twenty-secofld street, - ad been annual skating carnival at Garfield park, in which he a gain won the boys' junior event, the distance being one- haîf mile. placeésIla State Event Ina state carnival held. at Aurora* he w on second place in the 440-yard event, and third in the one-quarter mile event. Going then to. Elgin. he represented bis club in a district tour- nament, in which he again' won sec- ond plade in -the 440-yard race., In a tournament helM by bis owný club be won second -the 440-, yard event, which was regarded as a splendid showving1 considering bis côMpetitioli. 1 Hits National Coampetition Liteir, Walter. carried bis club's colors ini the nationl.touriàùieht' at Petosky, Mich., in whlch be met the top notch boys froni mkny parts of the country, wînning third in the one-haîf mile event and third in the 440-yard race. His next appearance will be in an indoor ice carnival at Champaign, in which lie will again repre sent the Northwest Skating c-lb. I avnreciation of bis efforts VISIT NEW YORK and Mrs. William W, Creenwood avenue,Ke tlast week ini New Yo the Chicago area witU rtunity to bear the ity of Illinois Concert [y acclaimed. by out- mien as, "The World's ze Band" this week. i. Tbursday. March 4, .at the Auditoriumn Anfi I. t-îiýe.'ý the,'>.