ttu organ8zationi s LU1 ~wiUa7 5iy nwn tL those in,.Cicago and its suburbs :who are interested or. active ini the educa- *tional field. Bynan of lectures,, con- frceorgani'zing and.s upervising study groups, it offers aid to parents and teachers in solving problems 'of normal and difficut children. uual Oppoetuaity At thec fortbcoming., conference, an attempt will be macle to prescrit the various drives of parents and children affecting their relationships witliin the family and the. social group at large. This will offer an tinusual opportunity to parents, teachers and others iterested in education, to hear famous educators on a subiect of- vital importance. *Thé day will be divided into three general sessions. At the morning meet- ing, MayShattuck Fisher, director of research, Family Consultation bureau, Columbia university, and Psychologist at Sarah Lawrencc college, will speak on "Conflicts which Face Women To-I day" and Z. Clark Dickinson oif thc Department of Econon'ics at the Uni- v ersity of Michigan, will speak on "Economic Aspects of the Parent Child Relationship." The chairman - of this. session will be Dr. John J. B. Morgan, wn11Iitacx, iDrari ai. Fletion Bates-Olive Field. Beéll-,Ail Brides are. Bpautiful. rairbanfk-Rich Man,. Poor Man. îobart-Yang and Yin. Payne-Somnething to Remeniber. Trodd--So Pree We Séem. Mahony-Flve Years of Children's Bookst Harrlngton-Moder.l Feature WrIing. Bsch-Be Glad You're INeur6t1c. Eastman---ElJOYreflt of Làughter. Taylor-Plato. Pevah-l,,gagcy of Israel. SeldeA-Mfalnland. Veblen-WIiat Veblen Taught. Simpson-Purchasiflg Power and Pros- perity. Tugwell-Re-Direct1flgEducation. Cannon-Digestion and. Health. Lewls-Elemefltsof Minm g." 'Tlbôt-Booth-CruISIng dCômpanloi. Black-iStdry of'Dridges. Sears-Productive Small Fru it Culture. D arnes- Manual of Knittipg andl Bi'ow;fl Atklns-E Parke,-ý Ferber-S Cather-ý, Forsythe- Coward-j Ronsard- Greek ani or. [er Forty. than the oe at 8:30. >put Helene-. Valley. eart. among tarnuing section nas practvicly - vanished and the Illinois-Farm bureau ARV O E bas approved the legislation, it wvas ARRIV HOME annouced.Mr. and Mrs. Glen O0.,,Senia 3 The: state highway department,. par- Cummings avenue, Keiilworth, ar- en-tacer asoiaios n oh , rvd home last, Saturday f rom 'a, en-lacerý sscitinsadlor id caionTcyspnta week groups concerncd with safety on the lrdvatinTesp t highway, have assured the niotor club in Miami, followed by a week in that they would support. the buis. Havana, Cuba, and a second, wcek The measures, as drawýn by joseph in Miami , efore - motorin.g homeý by H. Braun, general counsel of the club, wyoSt. petersburgt. provide that ail drivers bé licensed be- fore they can operate a truck or auto- statcd, the applicant must prove bis mobile. This license may be revokcd ability to pay any damages that resuit or suspended1 for violations of the traffic from future accidents in which he miay code. Before a license can ýbe rein- be involved. HRADLINER FOR FESTIVAL; 1x1tor of the Chicago ) talk on -Youtb Und( PýDr. A. F.ustace Hý epartment of Comparati Lt the University of CI ious Drives," and Dr. 1 of Georgoe Williams co JeWs, Severely hampered for nearly a r'hree monthi by flood conditions, 1ravel to mi, of Florida from the Midwest bas re- 'eig- sunied, but it* is f ar. from its usual r> on volumne, Bert Vanderwarf, head of vanus the Chicago Motor club touring, - IlI bureau, said today. eaks" Roads to southerin resort centers Jnion,, are now open through Louisville and 7r2u- Cicinti.but the route through Ui and i,.i reccatly f rom El. I1IICxt Ne to retui Los A become known the worlcl over. il 15 1 val asse Flagstad who bas miade the Wagneriani ing of< j'