HotBilscuits in aJIfy With BUSQU ICK Large Sie Now it's' possible to have hot baking powde r biscuits in few minutes... and they'l be just. as iight, and fluffy. Super-Suds. eGiatSire 2 fol75e FOR SPRING CLEANING S.os. * .8-pid pkj. CINTRELLA RED MARASCIIINO CHERRMES *3-0&. iii. CENT RZLLA CURRANTS. 8-@i. pkg. ALWAYS HAVEIiT ON HAND RAPUINWAX.* CENTRELLA Peanut lutter 100 4*. rolis 12-ou.. jar I4. 32-M. suxe 2Ifor 43c 2Ifor 1 9c. Zfr25 2Ifor 43 C e 17c e @* . e' , KADOTA e e e e e .0 * 6*1. & 7*1. Ribs Prime leef VEAL ROAST RIod. Ioneless.Mo Wosi * e e b.31c Sté.lb. 2.9c lb.22Ic WIL-M BTTE'14FE j e 0 * . I j d.i. q6