rI4REE FAMOUS CHEESES YOU SHOU'LID TrRY1 I LUEDERKRANZ Tslngy eriougih to appeal to men; subtle ,IU IBK *kUenOUgb1 to' Win the ladies; It Io a cheese with sa personallty ail lUs own. Servel with craclcrs and dessert, It crowna a meal -CHIEE5E With goodness. CAMEMBERT Cured tojust the right delloay a creamy 'loft, velvety smooh-lh ild ipe ln taiste. A.9 a dessert cheese, it toi wlthout 3 ortse 29 BRIE * Like Carnembert, It bas reac1ied Its hlghest helghts of lousness ln, EBrden's Military Bra.nd. Tii' It- 1yeu'1I be eatlng. a muperb cheese--mlld as a, MaY day, mellow as an o14 song. -Zinl 45eio Town Crier FLOUA' 24 lb. bag *ào A House lucoffee whose popularity ha. grown tbrough three genera- tions. Now -acknowledged as the a «World's Finest Coffee.» *Unsurpassed ini taste and flavot *stant approval. il.gimss e vacuum piocked1 rmerit your in- ,irai cote or beau Try Helfimanas YONNAISE a w , W l Floride Large Si..0 O O Fimest Plovor, Large ISIze., 5 for 29c - 2 doL. med. doz. 49C Heurts 9 0 a FÉBRUARY 25, 1937' e *e e e. 0* 0 7 cens $1005