to it. It is evident that, the nation posal. He s*ated ineffect that it was is engaged ini one of the bitterest nothing more or less than a higbly controversies -in our history. organized publicity scheme which has The controversy is flot ove-r th e created. only the appearance of a President's' reorganization, program . widespread national opposition. His as a whole but ra ther is confined to criticism ý may or may flot be true. that part whacb would permit the Nevertheless w' cn esue ta h appolintment of six additional judges administration itself will employ the foth Supreme Court. In the dis- very samne means which the Senator cussions on the floor o f the Hôouse criticizes in order to gather support. and Senate as well as ýin 'the com- Stwatefgy to Delay, miunications received- from constitu- It is folly to predict wbat will de- etthe other features of the pro- velop. However, it is a reasonable posed reorganization pass >ahnost presumption that the strategy of the nnmentioned. administration will be to delay. Ini Fear UPoimjlàngfl the meanitime it may cause certain* Opposition, to this particular rec- bis to- be. introduced ini which the * oxnmendation for, "packing"* the court farmers and labor organizations are crystaiized almost immediately, 'and interested. Having introduced the it has made itself feit in the halls proposed' législation, which may be of Congress. Witb the attack being aiong the samne lnes as the AAA and led by the so-cailed libera l emnent NRA, the administration wil then of the Senate and HJse. the ad-cu4wraor 4o cmcatê th mreso ininisti-ation bas been on the de- with the people that these, very fensive. ýOpposition f rom such men rneasures, designed for their benefit, as Senator Carter Glass and Senator would qulite likely be declared uncon- Richard Byrd, Deniocrats, was ex- stitutional by the Suprerne Court as pected, but it caii hardly be said now constituted. In other words, it- that the President expected his pro- will be stated that it would be foolish posai to be so openly attacked by to attempt to carry out the program sucb liberais of bis party as Setiator until the Supreme Court is cbanged. Burton K. Wbeeier of Montana. It is folly to prophesy. But that As a matter of . politica1 strategy, seems to be the general opinion in The P réesident is, as it were, biding of the Minority -leadership that its his time. opposition can be most effective ' by. Expect Radio Apposai silence. It is not a partisan. issue, While no one knours definiteiy ex- and for tbe Minority to lead the at- cept the administration leaders them- tack would only cause it to become selves, perhaps oniy tbe President one. It would only serve to give himself, it is generaliy believed thiat tbe -proponents a new basis for their thie legislation wiii be allowed to re- appeal. main in committee for as long as two Suffice- it to say that we are~ wit- TEFINISTl 0.F UTS KUND