.,versity College of Nortiiwestern uni- versity. The lectures will'be giiven in Thorfie hall,on the ýChicago campus. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were originf- ally scheduled to open the series of five lectures on February.16, but the, accident forced postponement until the later date. Mrs. Johnson. will show the six-reel motion picture which she, and her husbandf took on their. reçent trip into thec.Nildis of Borneo. The lecture series will opeîi Mardi. Iý with a. symposiumà by John T. Flynn and. Merle 'Thorpe on tlhe sub- ject, "What Shall We Do About the Nation's Business?", Both speakers are iidely known in the field of economaics, Mr. F1lymi as~ writer of the column, "Other People's Money," ini the New Republic, and Mr. Thorpe as editor of The Nation's, Business. Cornelia Otis Skinner will present hier famous "one-womani" theater, a series. of monologues, March 15. After a successful career on the legitiniate stage she developed the pew medium of monologues ii which she. combines in herseif the dra- mnatist, aétress and scene designer. Fell on Alabama" andi *bîsteni to a Lonesome Drum," Sterling North, literary editor of. the Chicago Daily News, and Howard Vincent O'Brien, coluninist of the Daily News.. The concluding lecture wvIll bel given April 12 by Dr. William Lyon Phelps,, noted professor of contem- porary Etnglish literature at Yale uiiiversity. He wifl speak on the sub- ject, "My Way of Looking at in an unusuai way. Mrs. Harshaw has given a number o f book talks, in- the Elmhurst-ý La Grange section, . and so me one who heard.her told Mrs. Mary Wright, director of, the -Home-makers hour, about her. Mrs. Wright asked her to speak -on Christmas book buying for children. Ruth ,Hars.haw, accepted. About 30, Jetters. came in as response tô the talk. The next day Mrs. Wright broadcast ,a recipe for Christmas cookies, and 500 letters came in. ,Thé contrast in the interest Of home-nakers, children'vs. cookies, s0 startled Mrs. Wright that she de- cided something must be done. That something was to ask Mrs. Harshaw to speak weekly on books, for young under way-a challenging educationai effort to the author of children's books. Ruith Harshaw is reveiing in this new opportunity even though it adds to the weekly round of duties, the afore-mentioned husband, four children, job at Carson's and even though it rnay delay her cherished. project of yet another book for chul- dren. There's just no keeping her down. this alert, enthusiastic nrnfes- Output ResumesI Thie Buîck division of General MLo- tors resumed output of automnobiles Wednesday, February 17, and was expected to be in full production « shiortly thereafter, according to word received by Foley Motor Sales, north« The talk is one .of the Sunday eve- ning series sponsored, by the New England church. Mr. Ickes, adniinistrator o 0f public works, will discuss the problems1 of re-housing anid-slum clearance in Chi- cago and the .na tion. T-he Ilinois State Nurses Asso- ciacln lasbeen lncorporated ln thts state for 36 yeare. It.repre- sents 99%%,of the nursing achools of this state. It ifs the only Officiai nurse association In Illinois recog- nlzed by the Uriltedl States govern- ment. LEARN TO -SWIM Don'f be a "BEACH FLOWE R.O@ You can Iearn to, swim and. dive under the expert personal direction Of. ELDER HALVORSEN 'Forme'r Chainf HE GUARANTEES TO TEACI- YOU. 12 LesonCourse and 6 Practice Swims For only $91 Adui f) or $ 7(Childre n) TROPICAL LIDO- SWIMMING POOL kI rn-m E,. M .TJD 0 C.IOCLI. BACK FROM EUROPE Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hawxhurst of 618 Essex road returned to Kenilworth Mon- day froiu a month'strip to Elurope. * ~v~nycustomers are waiting for- the new Buick cars. Many pflaced orders and have been willing to wait for delivery of their cars until after settlemient of the strike, and the re- sumption. of production. This iS true , Ail Winter Merchandise No-Mon's-Lond 1 ellIllIgIlligit 1 :