tmnof* Ravinia,, wore gardenias ewiih .a blUe costume suit. Lon Archer of EÉvans.ton was Mr.. Erland's best man. A black lace dress trimmd it green, and a corsag forchid sweet peas were worn by Mrs. Pauline C. ScuIly of Winneilka, the biride's aunt, who feceived with the young couple, the bride's father, and, the bride- groorn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Erland of Evanston. Mrs. Erland's dress was of navy bine crepe, and her flowers were gardeniasý r.Erland, and hisbrie are now at home in Champ.1ign.. Eastern Star. Activity Ou Saturday evening, March 6, a t 8 o'clock, Mrs. William G. Morgan, 925 Forest avenue, will be hostess at a bridge party assisted by Mrs. Roy A. Hopkins ani Mrs. Adolpli Kloess. Monday, Februarv 15, the meeting convenied with ail officers present ex- cépt the marshal and warder. Mrs. Anna Sanders served as marshal and Mrs. Clara J. joue,as warder. Our *narshal, Mrs. Gertrude Morgan. and WUTH A.SPRING FUTURE" 1iiideed happy to have the ilinesa. a1inong otir memibers diminishling. \Ve are sorry to hear of the death oi Mrs. Cora Thorsen's father and Mrs. Mae Panushka's mother-Jin-law. The following conirnittee was appoint- ed to draft resolutions on the death of Mrs. Zelda Parkhurst, Mrs. May Woodhead, Mrs. Anna Young, and Kraft.1 in Los land, Sc Co, Port-1 -- 4